GMail HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 23 日

GMail, as a free email service launched by Google, provides powerful functions and extremely high security. Since its launch in 2004, GMail has been continuously updated and optimized, attracting billions of users around the world. GMail not only supports powerful email sending and receiving functions, but also provides users with convenient operation methods, one of which is the shortcut function. Using shortcut keys, users can greatly improve operation efficiency and quickly complete common email management tasks, such as composing emails, deleting emails, moving emails, viewing emails, etc. Whether used in the browser or through GMail's desktop client, shortcut keys can help users save time and improve work efficiency.

GMail Windows shortcut keys

Control the main browser window

Shortcut keys Function description
Ctrl + R Refresh the page. Sometimes GMail seems to be stuck on some pages that do not allow shortcuts. After refreshing the page, everything usually works properly.
Alt + d then multiple tab Move the browser focus to the main window. First jump to the address bar, then through the toolbar until you reach the main window.
Alt + Arrow left/Alt + Arrow right Back one page/Forward one page
End/Home Go to the top/end of a page
Tab/Shift + Tab Jump forward/backward between input fields
Page up/Page down Jump up one page/down one page

Tasks in Gmail

Shortcuts Function description
Shift + T Add a message to a task
Ctrl + up /Ctrl + down Move the current task up or down in the task list
Shift + enter Edit task details, including due date or notes.
Shift + Esc Move cursor from task to Gmail, but only one way
G,then K Go to task window or open task window (see limitations above)
Arrow Keys Move cursor up or down in task list
Esc Close task window if focus is on it (see limitations above)
Tab/Shift + Tab Increase/decrease indent

Format text in message

Shortcuts Function description
Ctrl + Shift + , Change text direction to left to right
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Format text block as quote
Ctrl + U Underline format
Ctrl + Shift + R Right align
Ctrl + Shift + 8 Create bulleted list
Ctrl + K Insert hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + . Change text direction to right to left
Ctrl + Shift + L Align left
Ctrl + ]/[ Increase indent/decrease indent
Ctrl + Shift + 7 Create numbered list
Ctrl + Shift + E Center alignment
Ctrl + I Italic format
Ctrl + Shift + 5/6 Change font to previous/next font listed in menu
Ctrl + B Bold format
Ctrl + Shift + /- Increase/decrease font size of all or part of text

Navigate the main Gmail window

Shortcuts Function description
G + then A Go to all messages
Esc General reset state
G + then L Go to label
G + then D Go to drafts
G + then I Go to inbox
G + then T Go to sent mail
G + then C Go to contacts
G + then S Go to starred conversation
Z Undo last action

Main window - manage single message

Shortcuts Function description
! Mark selected message as spam and jump back to message list
R Reply to sender
M Mute selected message and jump back to message list
J/K Move to next (older)/previous (newer) email or conversation
L Add label to message and jump back to message list
V Move selected message
F Forward message
A Reply to all
Ctrl + [ Delete from current view and move to older message
Ctrl + ] Delete from current view and move to newer message
N/P Move to next/previous part of conversation
E Archive selected message and jump back to message list
U Return to inbox or conversation list
Ctrl + } Archive and move to newer message
Shift + A Reply to all in new window
# Delete selected message and jump back to message list
Shift + F Forward message in new window
Ctrl + S Save message
S Star or unstar message
Y Delete from current view and jump back to message list
Shift + R Reply to sender in new window
Ctrl + { Archive and move to older message

Main window - Manage message list

Shortcuts Function description
* + then S Select all starred conversations
! Mark selected messages as spam
* + then A Select all conversations
Shift + U Mark selected messages as unread
* + then R Select all read conversations
O + enter Open message
Shift + I Mark selected messages as read
# Delete selected messages
/- Mark as important or delete
Y Delete from current view
* + then T Select all unstarred conversations
X Select or deselect current conversation
L Add label to message
S Star or unstar message
M Mute selected message
E Archive selected message
* + then U Select all unread conversations
V Move selected message
* + then N Deselect all conversations
J/K Move to next (older)/previous (newer) email or conversation

Compose message

Shortcuts Function description
Ctrl + enter Send message
Ctrl + . Move cursor to next chat or compose window
C Compose new message
Ctrl + Shift + F Change sender address
Ctrl + Shift + B Add Bcc recipients
Ctrl Move cursor to previous chat or compose window
Ctrl + Shift + C Add Cc recipients

GMail MacOS shortcuts

Control the main browser window

Shortcuts Function description
+ R Refresh the page. Sometimes GMail seems to get stuck on certain pages that don't allow shortcuts. After refreshing the page, everything usually works fine.
Alt + d,then multiple tabs Move browser focus to the main window. First jumps to the address bar, then through the toolbar until you reach the main window.
Tab/⇧ + Tab Jump forward/backward between input fields
Page ↑/Page ↓ Jump up/down one page
Alt + Arrow ←/Alt + Arrow → Go back/forward one page
End/Home Go to the top/end of a page

Tasks in Gmail

Shortcuts Function description
+ ↑ /⌘ + Move the current task up or down in the task list
Close the task window if it has focus (see limitations above)
+ T Add a message to a task
+ Move the cursor from the task to Gmail, but only in one direction
Tab/⇧ + Tab Increase/decrease indent
+ Edit task details, including due date or notes.
Arrow Keys Move cursor up and down in task list
G,then K Go to task window or open task window (see limitations above)

Format text in message

Shortcuts Function description
+ + 7 Create numbered list
+ + , Change text direction to left to right
+ K Insert hyperlink
+ + /- Increase/decrease font size of all or part of text
+ + L Align left
+ ]/[ Increase/decrease indent
+ + 5/6 Change font to previous/next font listed in menu
+ + R Right align
+ + 9 Format text block as quote
+ U Underline
+ + . Change text direction to right to left
+ + E Center align
+ + 8 Create bulleted list
+ I Italic format
+ B Bold format

Compose message

Shortcuts Function description
+ Send message
+ + B Add Bcc recipients
+ + F Change sender address
+ + C Add cc recipients
+ ./⌘ + , Move cursor to next/previous chat or compose window (or main window)
C Compose new message (press Esc to cancel)

Main Window - Manage Message List

Shortcuts Function description
+ I Mark selected message as read
O + Open message
M Mute selected message
* + then N Deselect all conversations
J/K Move to next (older)/previous (newer) email or conversation
Y Remove from current view
V Move selected message
! Mark selected message as spam
X Select or deselect current conversation
/- Mark as important or delete
* + then U Select all unread conversations
# Delete selected message
S Star or unstar message
* + then R Select all read conversations
+ U Mark selected message as unread
L Add label to message
E Archive selected message
* + then T Select all unstarred conversations
* + then A Select all conversations
* + then S Select all starred conversations

Main window - Manage single message

Shortcuts Function description
U Return to inbox or conversation list
+ A Reply to all in new window
+ { Archive and move to older messages
M Mute selected messages and jump back to message list
S Star or unstar message
+ R Reply to sender in new window
+ [ Remove from current view and move to older messages
V Move selected message
L Label message and jump back to message list
+ } Archive and move to newer messages
R Reply to sender
+ F Forward message in new window
Y Remove from current view and jump back to message list
+ S Save message
N/P Move to next/previous part of conversation
# Delete selected message and jump back to message list
J/K Move to next (older)/previous (newer) email or conversation
E Archive selected message and jump back to message list
F Forward message
+ ] Delete from current view and move to newer message
! Mark selected message as spam and jump back to message list
A Reply all

Navigating the main Gmail window

Shortcuts Function description
G + then T Go to sent mail
General reset state
G + then D Go to draft
G + then S Go to starred conversation
Z Undo last action
G + then I Go to inbox
G + then L Go to label
G + then C Go to contact
/ Focus on search bar
G + then A Go to all mail

About GMail

GMail is a free email service launched by Google, founded on April 1, 2004. GMail not only provides traditional email sending and receiving functions, but also combines Google's powerful search engine and cloud storage technology, allowing users to efficiently manage large amounts of mail. GMail also helps users save time through intelligent classification, spam filtering and other functions. GMail's interface is simple and intuitive, and supports web-based access. Users can access it anytime and anywhere through a browser or GMail mobile app to ensure that no important mail is missed.

GMail official website information

GMail shortcut FAQ

  1. How to enable GMail shortcuts?
    To enable GMail shortcuts, enter the GMail settings interface, click the "Shortcuts" section, and select the Enable shortcuts option. Once enabled, you can use various shortcuts to improve email management efficiency.

  2. How to view GMail's complete shortcut list?
    You can view all available shortcuts by pressing Shift + ? on the GMail page. This will pop up a list of shortcuts, making it easy for you to view and remember commonly used shortcuts.

  3. Does GMail's shortcuts support Chinese?
    Yes, GMail's shortcuts support Chinese input environment, and all shortcut functions can be used normally. Whether you use the Chinese interface or the English interface, the shortcuts are not affected.

  4. Can shortcuts be customized?
    GMail currently does not support custom shortcuts, and all shortcuts are preset default shortcuts. However, you can use browser plug-ins or extensions to customize certain shortcuts.

  5. How to quickly switch to other tabs in GMail?
    Use G + T to quickly jump to the Sent Mail tab. Other tabs can also be quickly switched using similar shortcuts.

  6. How to view the original content of an email?
    Press Shift + U in an open email to view the original content of the email, including all the header information and detailed content.

  7. Why can't I use shortcut keys in GMail?
    If shortcut keys don't work, make sure that the shortcut key function is enabled in your GMail settings. You can also check if there are conflicting plug-ins in your browser that make the shortcut keys invalid.

  8. What devices are GMail shortcut keys applicable to?
    GMail shortcut keys are applicable to desktop versions of most operating systems (Windows and MacOS), and also support shortcut operations on GMail mobile terminals, but some functions may require special configuration.


GMail shortcut key function provides users with an efficient way to manage emails. By using shortcut keys, you can quickly find emails in your inbox, compose emails more conveniently, and effectively improve work efficiency. Whether you are a Windows user or a MacOS user, GMail provides powerful shortcut key support to help everyone save time and energy. If you haven't enabled the shortcut key function yet, you might as well try it to make your GMail experience smoother.

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