GIMP HotKeys

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is an open source image editing software that is powerful and completely free. In order to improve the efficiency of use, GIMP provides a variety of shortcut keys that can quickly complete various image processing operations.

GIMP Windows shortcut keys


Shortcut Action
R Rectangle select
E Ellipse select
F Free select
U Fuzzy select
Shift O Select by color
I Scissors
B Paths
O Color picker
M Move
Shift C Crop and resize
Shift R Rotate
Shift T Scale
Shift S Shear
Shift P Perspective
Shift F Flip
T Text
Shift B Bucket fill
L Blend
N Pencil
P Paintbrush
Shift E Eraser
A Airbrush
K Ink
C Clone
V Convolve
S Smudge
Shift D Dodge or burn
X Swap colors
D Default colors


Shortcut Action
Ctrl N New image
Ctrl O Open image
Ctrl Alt N Open image as new layer
Ctrl D Duplicate image
Ctrl 1-0 Open recent image 1-10
Ctrl S Save image
Ctrl S Save image under a new name
Ctrl Q Quit


Shortcut Action
Ctrl L Layers
Ctrl Shift B Brushes
Ctrl Shift P Patterns
Ctrl G Gradients
Ctrl Shift T Tool options
Ctrl P Palettes
Ctrl Shift I Info window
Ctrl Shift N Navigation window
Tab Jump to next widget
Shift Tab Jump to previous widget
Enter Set the new value
Space Activate the current button or list
Ctrl Alt PgUp In a multi-tab dialog, switch tabs
Shift L Open location
Alt Up Up folder
Alt Down Down folder
Alt Home Home folder
Esc Close dialog


Shortcut Action
F10 Main menu
Shift F10 Drop-down menu
F11 Toggle fullscreen
Shift Q Toggle quickmask
Ctrl W Close document window
+ Zoom in
- Zoom out
1 Zoom 1:1
Ctrl E Shrink wrap
Ctrl Shift E Fit image in window
Ctrl Shift R Toggle rulers
Ctrl Shift T Toggle guides


Shortcut Action
PgUp Select the layer above
PgDn Select the layer below
Home Select the first layer
End Select the last layer
Ctrl M Merge visible layers
Ctrl H Anchor layer


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Y Redo
Ctrl C Copy selection
Ctrl X Cut selection
Ctrl Shift C Copy visible
Ctrl Shift V Paste as new image
Ctrl V Paste clipboard
Ctrl K Clears selection
Ctrl Shift C Named copy selection
Ctrl Shift X Named cut selection
Ctrl Shift V Named paste clipboard
Ctrl , Fill with foreground color
Ctrl . Fill with background color
Ctrl ; Fill with pattern


Shortcut Action
Ctrl T Toggle selections
Ctrl A Select all
Ctrl Shift A Select none
Ctrl I Invert selection
Ctrl Shift L Float selection
Shift V Path to selection


Shortcut Action
Ctrl F Repeat last plug-in
Ctrl Shift F Reshow last plug-in

GIMP MacOS shortcut keys

Common operations

Shortcut keys Function description
Command + N New image
Command + O Open file
Command + S Save current file
Command + Shift + S Save as
Command + Z Undo
Command + Y Redo

Selection tools

Shortcut keys Function description
R Rectangular selection tool
E Elliptical selection tool
F Fill tool
Shift + Command + A Deselect all

Layer Management

Shortcut Keys Function Description
Command + L Open Layer Panel
Command + Shift + N New Layer
Command + D Duplicate Layer
Delete Delete Current Layer

View Control

Shortcut Keys Function Description
Command + + Zoom In
Command + - Zoom Out
Command + Shift + J Fit Window Display
Command + H Show/Hide Guidelines

About GIMP

GIMP is a free and open source image processing tool that supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It provides features comparable to commercial software, such as image repair, layer processing, and plug-in support.

GIMP Official Website Information

GIMP Shortcut FAQ

  1. How to customize GIMP shortcuts?
    Go to "Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts" to customize.

  2. Does GIMP support trackpad operation?
    Yes, you can use gestures in combination with shortcuts.

  3. Are the shortcuts for Mac and Windows exactly the same?
    Basically the same, but Mac uses Command instead of Ctrl.

  4. How ​​to reset shortcuts to default settings?
    Go to "Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts" and click "Reset".

  5. What should I do if the shortcut keys don't work?
    Check the keyboard language or restore the default settings.

  6. Can I export the shortcut key settings?
    Not supported yet, but you can manually back up the configuration file.

  7. What are the hidden shortcut keys in GIMP that are not listed?
    Some hidden shortcut keys can be queried through the "Help Document".

  8. How ​​to learn more shortcut key skills?
    Official documents and community tutorials are the best learning resources.


Mastering shortcut keys can greatly improve the efficiency of using GIMP. This article lists common shortcut keys by function grouping and provides shortcut key references for multiple platforms. In addition, through the official website resources and FAQs, you can have a more comprehensive understanding of how to use GIMP shortcut keys. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, these shortcut keys can help you easily complete various image editing tasks.

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