Audacity HotKeys

2025 年 1 月 3 日

Audacity is a popular open-source audio editing software that allows users to record, edit, and manipulate audio tracks. To make the editing process more efficient, Audacity provides a wide range of keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts can help users speed up tasks like cutting, copying, pasting, and navigating through tracks.

Audacity Windows Shortcuts

File Menu

Shortcut Action
Ctrl N New
Ctrl O Open
Ctrl W Close
Ctrl Q Exit
Ctrl S Save project
Ctrl Shift E Export audio
Ctrl Shift L Export multiple
Ctrl Shift I Import audio

Edit Menu

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Y Redo
Ctrl X Cut
Ctrl K Delete
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl V Paste
Ctrl D Duplicate
Ctrl P Preferences
Ctrl Alt X Split cut
Ctrl Alt K Split delete
Ctrl L Silence audio
Ctrl T Trim audio
Ctrl Alt I Split new
Ctrl J Join
Ctrl Shift J Detach at silences
Ctrl B Add label at selection
Ctrl M Add label at playback position
Ctrl Alt V Paste text to new label
Alt X Cut labeled audio
Alt K Delete labeled audio
Alt Shift X Split cut labeled audio
Alt Shift K Split delete labeled audio
Alt L Silence labeled audio
Alt Shift C Copy labeled audio
Alt I Split labeled audio
Alt J Join labeled audio
Alt Shift J Detach labeled audio at silences

Extra Menu

Shortcut Action
F11 Toggle full screen
1 Play one second
B Play to selection
Shift F5 Play before selection start
Shift F6 Play after selection start
Shift F7 Play before selection end
Shift F8 Play after selection end
Ctrl Shift F5 Play before and after selection start
Ctrl Shift F7 Play before and after selection end
C Play cut preview
F1 Selection tool
F2 Envelope tool
F3 Draw tool
F4 Zoom tool
F5 Time shift tool
F6 Multi tool
A Previous tool
D Next tool
Backspace Delete
Alt Left Move to previous label
Alt Right Move to next label
Left Short seek left during playback
Right Short seek right during playback
Shift Left Long seek left during playback
Shift Right Long seek right during playback
Shift I Change recording device
Shift O Change playback device
Shift H Change audio host
Shift N Change recording channels
Shift Home Selection to start
Shift End Selection to end
Shift Left Selection extend left
Shift Right Selection extend right
Ctrl Shift Right Selection contract left
Ctrl Shift Left Selection contract right
Ctrl Shift F6 Move backwards from toolbars to tracks
Ctrl F6 Move forward from toolbars to tracks
Up Move focus to previous track
Down Move focus to next track
Ctrl Home Move focus to first track
Ctrl End Move focus to last track
Shift Up Move focus to previous and select
Shift Down Move focus to next and select
Enter Toggle focused track
Left Cursor left
Right Cursor right
, Cursor short jump left
. Cursor short jump right
Shift , Cursor long jump left
Shift . Cursor long jump right
Shift P Change pan on focused track
Alt Shift Left Pan left on focused track
Alt Shift Right Pan right on focused track
Shift G Change gain on focused track
Alt Shift Up Increase gain on focused track
Alt Shift Down Decrease gain on focused track
Shift U Mute or unmute focused track
Shift S Solo or unsolo focused track
Shift C Close focused track

Select Menu

Shortcut Action
Ctrl A Select all
Ctrl Shift A Select none
Z Select at zero crossings
Ctrl Shift K Select in all tracks
Ctrl Shift Y Select in all sync-locked tracks
[ Left at playback position
] Right at playback position
Shift J Track start to cursor
Shift K Cursor to track end
Q Toggle spectral selection
Ctrl Alt P Previous clip
Ctrl Alt N Next clip

View Menu

Shortcut Action
Ctrl 1 Zoom in
Ctrl 2 Zoom normal
Ctrl 3 Zoom out
Ctrl E Zoom to selection
Shift Z Zoom toggle
Ctrl F Fit to width
Ctrl Shift F Fit to height
Ctrl Shift C Collapse all tracks
Ctrl Shift X Expand collapsed tracks
Ctrl [ Skip to selection start
Ctrl ] Skip to selection end

Transport Menu

Shortcut Action
Space Play or stop
X Play or stop and set cursor
Shift Space Loop play
P Pause
R Record
Shift R Record new track
Shift T Timer record...
Shift D Punch and roll record
P Pause
J Cursor to track start
K Cursor to track end
Home Cursor to project start
End Cursor to project end

Tracks Menu

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift N Add new mono track
Ctrl Shift M Mix and render to new track
Ctrl U Mute all tracks
Ctrl Shift U Unmute all tracks

Effect Menu

Shortcut Action
Ctrl R Repeat last effect

Audacity MacOS Shortcuts

Basic Commands

Shortcut Function Description
Command + N New project
Command + O Open project
Command + S Save project
Command + Shift + S Save project as...
Command + Z Undo action
Command + Shift + Z Redo action
Command + X Cut selected audio
Command + C Copy selected audio
Command + V Paste copied/cut audio
Command + Shift + V Paste into new track
Command + Shift + T Trim audio
Command + D Duplicate selection
Command + P Print project
Command + Q Quit Audacity

Navigation and Selection

Shortcut Function Description
Command + F Move to the start of the track
Command + Shift + F Move to the end of the track
Command + E Select all audio
Command + Shift + A Deselect all audio
Command + Left Arrow Move cursor left by one second
Command + Right Arrow Move cursor right by one second
Command + Up Arrow Move cursor up by one track
Command + Down Arrow Move cursor down by one track
Command + Shift + Left Arrow Select audio from the cursor to the left
Command + Shift + Right Arrow Select audio from the cursor to the right
Command + Shift + Up Arrow Move cursor up by one second
Command + Shift + Down Arrow Move cursor down by one second

Audio Editing

Shortcut Function Description
Command + R Start/stop recording
Command + T Trim selected audio
Command + Shift + T Split audio at cursor
Command + Shift + L Silence audio at cursor
Command + Shift + C Split stereo track to mono
Command + Shift + I Insert silence at cursor
Command + Shift + D Duplicate the selection
Command + M Mute/unmute audio
Command + Shift + M Mute the track
Command + Shift + K Split stereo to separate tracks
Command + Shift + X Cut selected region
Command + Shift + V Paste audio into new track
Command + Shift + P Paste special (paste in place)
Command + Shift + J Join selected regions

Zoom and View

Shortcut Function Description
Command + 1 Zoom in
Command + 3 Zoom out
Command + 2 Zoom to selection
Command + 4 Toggle waveform display (volume)
Command + 5 Show/hide spectrogram view
Command + Shift + Z Zoom reset (fit entire project)
Command + Shift + W Show/hide the mixer window

Playback Controls

Shortcut Function Description
Space Start/stop playback
Shift + Space Start/stop playback from cursor
Command + Left Arrow Jump to the previous edit point
Command + Right Arrow Jump to the next edit point
Command + Shift + R Loop playback
Command + Shift + Q Stop playback
Command + Shift + G Play from the cursor

Effect and Processing

Shortcut Function Description
Command + Shift + E Open equalizer effect
Command + Shift + F Open amplify effect
Command + Shift + M Open noise removal effect
Command + Shift + A Open audio compression effect
Command + Shift + C Open change pitch effect
Command + Shift + D Open delay effect
Command + Shift + L Open normalize effect
Command + Shift + K Open reverse effect

Track Management

Shortcut Function Description
Command + Shift + N Add new track
Command + Shift + U Remove selected track
Command + Shift + H Hide selected track
Command + Shift + S Split selected track
Command + Shift + T Move track up/down
Command + Shift + B Show/hide track names
Command + Shift + I Import audio
Command + Shift + O Export audio
Command + Shift + P Export selected portion of the track


Shortcut Function Description
Command + H Hide Audacity window
Command + Tab Switch between open applications
Command + Option + Esc Force quit Audacity
Command + Shift + F Show preferences window
Command + Shift + P Show plugin manager
Command + Shift + L Show logs
Command + Option + I Open Information panel
Command + Option + S Save project without auto-saving


Shortcut Function Description
Command + Shift + A Select all
Command + Shift + C Clear selection
Command + Shift + P Split selection
Command + Option + S Select portion of track
Command + Shift + X Expand selection
Command + Shift + V Collapse selection

Window Management

Shortcut Function Description
Command + Shift + W Close window
Command + Shift + M Minimize window
Command + Option + M Maximize window
Command + Option + N New window

Track Navigation

Shortcut Function Description
Command + Up Arrow Move to previous track
Command + Down Arrow Move to next track
Command + Left Arrow Move to previous section of the track
Command + Right Arrow Move to next section of the track
Command + Shift + L Move to the cursor position

Miscellaneous Functions

Shortcut Function Description
Command + Option + B Open preferences window
Command + Shift + R Toggle recording toolbar
Command + Option + D Show/hide toolbars
Command + Option + R Show/hide status bar

About Audacity

Audacity is a free, open-source, cross-platform audio editing software. It supports recording, editing, and exporting audio in various formats. Whether you're creating podcasts, mixing tracks, or simply editing sound clips, Audacity is a powerful tool for all audio enthusiasts.

Audacity Official Information

Audacity Shortcut Key FAQs

  1. How do I open a project in Audacity?
    Use the shortcut Ctrl + O (Windows) or Command + O (MacOS).

  2. Can I undo multiple actions in Audacity?
    Yes, you can use Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Command + Z (MacOS) repeatedly to undo multiple actions.

  3. How do I zoom in on the waveform in Audacity?
    Use Ctrl + 1 (Windows) or Command + 1 (MacOS) to zoom in.

  4. Can I customize the keyboard shortcuts in Audacity?
    Yes, you can go to Edit > Preferences > Shortcuts to customize them.

  5. What is the shortcut to start recording in Audacity?
    Use Ctrl + R (Windows) or Command + R (MacOS) to start recording.

  6. How do I paste copied audio in a new track?
    Use Ctrl + Shift + V (Windows) or Command + Shift + V (MacOS).

  7. Can I split audio using a shortcut?
    Yes, use Ctrl + Shift + T (Windows) or Command + Shift + T (MacOS) to split the audio.

  8. How do I zoom out on the waveform in Audacity?
    Use Ctrl + 3 (Windows) or Command + 3 (MacOS) to zoom out.

  9. Is there a shortcut to mute the audio?
    Yes, use Shift + Space to toggle the audio mute.


Audacity is a versatile audio editing software that offers an extensive list of keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and MacOS. These shortcuts are designed to enhance your productivity and improve your editing efficiency. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, mastering these shortcuts can significantly improve your workflow.

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