Bear Note HotKeys

Bear Note is a popular note-taking application known for its elegant design and focus on writing. To enhance productivity, Bear offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts.

Bear Note Windows Shortcut Keys

Unfortunately, Bear Note is primarily designed for macOS and iOS. There is no official Windows version. Therefore, there are no native Windows shortcut keys. If you are using Bear Note on Windows through a virtual machine or other compatibility layer, the macOS shortcuts below may apply with some modifications depending on the environment.

Bear Note MacOS Shortcut Keys

Text Styles

Shortcut Action
Option Cmd 1-6 Headings
Option Cmd S Line separator
Cmd B Bold
Cmd I Italic
Cmd U Underline
Shift Cmd E Strikethrough
Cmd K Link
Cmd L Unordered list
Shift Cmd L Ordered list
Shift Cmd U Quote
Cmd T Todo
Option Cmd C Inline code
Ctrl Option C Code block
Shift Cmd M Marker/Highlighter
Shift Cmd V Insert file


Shortcut Action
Shift Cmd T Toggle Todo
Option Cmd T Mark Todo as completed
Ctrl Cmd T Mark Todo as incomplete


Shortcut Action
Cmd ] Shift line right
Cmd [ Shift line left
Cmd Option Up Move line up
Cmd Option Down Move line down


Shortcut Action
Tab Shift the list element right
Shift Tab Shift the list element left
Shift Enter End the list


Shortcut Action
Shift Cmd 7 Long Form Date with time (11 Jul 2017, 10:43)
Shift Cmd 8 Long Form Date (11 Jul 2017)
Shift Cmd 9 Short Form Date (11/07/2017)
Shift Cmd 0 Hours (11:43)


Shortcut Action
Cmd A Select all
Cmd Enter End editing
Cmd P Print note


Shortcut Action
Cmd + Zoom in
Cmd - Zoom out
Cmd 0 Actual size


Shortcut Action
Cmd N Create a new note
Option Cmd N Create a new note in a new window
Up/Down Move the selection in the note and tags list
Left/Right Move the selection between the sidebar, the nost list, and the editor
Enter Edit the selected note
Option Cmd F Search in the current note list
Cmd Backspace Delete selected note
Shift Cmd R Restore selected note
Shift Cmd P Pin/unpin selected note
Cmd A Select all the notes in the list
Shift Cmd Backspace Empty Trash
Cmd 1 Select Notes in the sidebar
Cmd 2 Select Untagged in the sidebar
Cmd 3 Select ToDo in the sidebar
Cmd 4 Select Today in the sidebar
Cmd 5 Select Archive in the sidebar
Cmd 6 Select Trash in the sidebar
Option Cmd Left Navigate back in visualized notes history
Option Cmd Right Navigate forward in visualized notes history

Panels and search

Shortcut Action
Shift Cmd I Toggle information panel
Cmd F Search inside the current note
Option Cmd F Search and replace inside the current note
Shift Cmd F Search inside the note list

Saving and importing

Shortcut Action
Shift Cmd S Export selected notes
Shift Cmd O Import notes


Shortcut Action
Ctrl 1 Show sidebar, note list and editor
Ctrl 2 Show note list and editor
Ctrl 3 Show editor only
Cmd , Show preferences
Ctrl Cmd F Enter fullscreen
Cmd \ Open main window

About Bear Note

Bear Note is a flexible and focused writing app for crafting notes, prose, code and sketches. It's designed for beautiful writing and a distraction-free experience.

Bear Note Official Information

Bear Note Shortcut FAQs

  1. Are there Windows shortcuts for Bear Note?
    No, Bear Note is primarily for macOS and iOS.

  2. Where can I find the official list of shortcuts?
    The official lists are available on the Bear website FAQ (linked above).

  3. Do the shortcuts change between Bear versions?
    Some shortcuts may be updated in new versions. Always refer to the official documentation for the most
    accurate information.

  4. How do I create a new note quickly?
    Use Cmd + N.

  5. How do I quickly format text as bold?
    Use Cmd + B.

  6. How do I insert a link?
    Use Cmd + K.

  7. How do I enter full-screen mode?
    Use Ctrl + Cmd + F.

  8. How do I search within Bear?
    Use Cmd + O.

  9. How to add footnote?
    Use Shift + Cmd + E.


Mastering these keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your workflow in Bear Note, allowing you to focus more on writing and less on navigating menus. Remember to check the official Bear website for the most up-to-date list of shortcuts.

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