Sequel-Ace HotKeys

Sequel Ace is a fast, native Mac app for working with MySQL & MariaDB databases. It's a free, open-source successor to the popular Sequel Pro. Using keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity when managing databases.

Sequel-Ace MacOS Shortcut Keys

Main Tabs

+ 1Table Structure
+ 2Table Content
+ 3Table Relations
+ 4Table Triggers
+ 5Table Info
+ 6Custom Query

General Shortcuts

+ NNew Window (Connection File)
+ TNew Tab (Connection File)
+ + TDuplicate Connection in New Tab
+ + AAdd Connection To Favorites
+ OOpen (Connection File or SQL File)
+ + OOpen current Connection File in New Window
+ SSave (Connection File)
+ + SSave As (Connection File)
^ + + SSave Query
+ WClose (Connection File)
+ + WClose All (Connection File)
+ PPrint
+ + IImport
+ + KShow Console Window
+ KClear Console
+ + Back in History
+ + Forward in History
+ Select Next Tab
+ + Select Previous Tab
+ + NInsert NULL value
+ + CCopy Create Table Syntax
+ + SShow Create Table Syntax
+ + RRefresh Databases
+ + DChoose Database
+ + VShow Server Variables
+ + PShow Server Processes
+ + RRefresh Tables
+ + FFlush Privileges
+ UUser Accounts
+ CCopy selection / Copy selected row(s)
+ + CCopy selected row(s) with column names
+ + + CCopy selected row(s) as SQL INSERT
+ + TShow/Hide Toolbar
+ + FFilter Table Content
+ + + FFilter Tables
+ + + BBundle Editor
+ + + NNavigator

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About Sequel-Ace

Sequel Ace is a macOS database management tool that allows users to easily connect to and manage MySQL and MariaDB databases. It offers a user-friendly interface for executing queries, browsing tables, and managing database structures.

Sequel-Ace Official Information

Sequel-Ace Shortcut Keys FAQ

  1. Where can I find the most up-to-date list of shortcuts?
    The official website's shortcut page is the best source:

  2. Do these shortcuts work on Windows?
    Sequel Ace is a macOS application, so these shortcuts are specific to macOS. There is no official Windows version.

  3. Are there any shortcuts for formatting SQL queries?
    Currently, Sequel Ace doesn't have dedicated formatting shortcuts.

  4. How can I customize the shortcuts?
    Sequel Ace does not offer built-in shortcut customization.

  5. What if a shortcut conflicts with another application's shortcut?
    You would need to adjust the conflicting shortcut in the other application's settings.

  6. Is there a shortcut to execute the current query?
    While there isn't a single dedicated shortcut explicitly listed for just executing the current query, pressing + R in the query editor will execute the currently selected or active query.

  7. Is there a shortcut to open a specific table?
    There is no direct shortcut to open a specific table by name. You can use the navigator ( + + + N) and then use the search function within the navigator.

  8. Are these shortcuts the same as Sequel Pro?
    Many shortcuts are similar or identical to Sequel Pro, but there might be some differences. It's best to refer to the Sequel Ace documentation.

  9. Where can I find more help with Sequel Ace?
    The official website and community forums are good resources.


Keyboard shortcuts are essential for efficient database management. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Sequel Ace's shortcuts, helping you streamline your workflow and become more productive. By mastering these shortcuts, you can significantly reduce the time spent navigating menus and performing repetitive tasks. Remember to refer to the official documentation for the most up-to-date information.

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