Shopify HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 27 日

Shopify is a powerful e-commerce platform that empowers businesses to create and manage online stores. To enhance productivity and streamline workflows, Shopify offers a range of keyboard shortcuts.

Shopify Windows Shortcut Keys

General Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
? Keyboard help
S Focus search bar
F Focus filter bar
B Y E Log out
M E Your profile
O S Open the store switcher

Adding Items

Shortcut Action
A P Add product
A C Add collection
A D Add discount
A O Add order
A U Add customer
A B Add blog post
A L Add blog
A G Add page

Admin Panel I

Shortcut Action
G H Go to home
G P P Go to products
G N Go to analytics
G D Go to discounts
G A Go to apps
G B C Go to abandoned checkouts
G P I Go to products, inventory
G P G Go to products, gift cards
G W B Go to online store, blog posts
G W T Go to online store, themes
G W D Go to online store, domains
G T L Go to settings, locations

Admin Panel II

Shortcut Action
G S P Go to settings, payments
G S S Go to settings, shipping
G S N Go to settings, notifications
G S F Go to settings, files
G S W Go to settings, online store
G S L Go to settings, sales channels
G O Go to orders
G C Go to customers
G M Go to marketing
G L Go to sales channels
G S Go to settings
G P T Go to products, transfers
G P C Go to products, collections

Admin Panel III

Shortcut Action
G W O Go to online store, overview
G W P Go to online store, pages
G W N Go to line store, navigation
G T O Go to point of sale, overview
G S G Go to settings, general
G S C Go to settings, checkout
G S X Go to settings, taxes
G S I Go to settings, gift cards
G S A Go to settings, account
G S T Go to settings, point of sale
G S B Go to settings, billing

Shopify macOS Shortcut Keys

General Navigation

Shortcut Description
? Keyboard help
S Focus search bar
F Focus filter bar
B + Y + E Log out
M + E Your profile
O + S Open store switcher
Command + / Display all shortcuts
Esc Close shortcut list

Adding Items

Shortcut Description
A + P Add product
A + C Add collection
A + D Add discount
A + O Add order
A + U Add customer
A + B Add blog post
A + L Add blog
A + G Add page

Theme Editor Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Command + Shift + E Toggle code editor
Command + Option + P Toggle preview mode
Command + Option + I Open/close inspector
Command + Option + R Refresh preview
Command + Option + 1 Toggle mobile view
Command + Option + 2 Toggle tablet view
Command + Option + 3 Toggle desktop view
Command + K Open the command palette
Command + Shift + F Find in files
Command + Option + F Find and replace in files
Command + Shift + L Select all occurrences of current word
Command + D Add selection to next find match
Option + Click Multi-cursor editing

About Shopify

Shopify is a leading cloud-based, multi-channel commerce platform designed for small and medium-sized businesses. Merchants can use the software to design, set up, and manage their stores across multiple sales channels, including web, mobile, social media, marketplaces, brick-and-mortar locations, and pop-up shops.

Shopify Official Information

Shopify Shortcut FAQs

  1. How do I see all available shortcuts?
    Press Ctrl + / (Windows) or Command + / (macOS).

  2. Do these shortcuts work in all parts of the Shopify admin?
    Yes, these shortcuts are generally applicable throughout the Shopify admin interface.

  3. Are there shortcuts for specific apps?
    Some Shopify apps may have their own unique shortcuts. Refer to the app's documentation for details.

  4. I'm having trouble with a shortcut. What should I do?
    Ensure you are pressing the keys in the correct order and that no other applications are interfering with the shortcuts.

  5. Can I customize these shortcuts?
    Currently, Shopify does not offer the ability to customize keyboard shortcuts.

  6. Are these shortcuts available on mobile devices?
    No, these keyboard shortcuts are primarily designed for desktop use.

  7. Where can I find the most up-to-date list of shortcuts?
    The Shopify Help Center is the best source for the latest information on keyboard shortcuts.


By utilizing these Shopify shortcut keys, you can significantly improve your efficiency and speed while managing your online store. Remember to use the Ctrl + / (Windows) or Command + / (macOS) command to see the full list within your Shopify admin. This comprehensive guide should help you get started and make the most of Shopify's productivity features.

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