Superhuman hotkeys

Superhuman is a cutting-edge email client designed for speed and efficiency, offering a seamless experience through intuitive keyboard shortcuts.

Superhuman MacOS Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Action
Cmd K Superhuman command
/ Search
Z Undo
? Shortcuts
X Select conversation
Shift J/K Add to selection


Shortcut Action
Shift U Unread
Shift S Starred
Shift I Important
Shift R No reply


Shortcut Action
C Compose
Enter Reply all
R Reply
F Forward
Cmd O Open links and attachments
Tab Cycle through links and dates
O Expand message
Shift O Expand all messages


Shortcut Action
E Mark done (archive)
Shift E Mark as not done
H Remind me (snooze)
S Star
U Mark as read or unread
Shift 3 Trash
Shift 1 Mark as spam
Shift M Mute
Cmd U Unsubscribe


Shortcut Action
G I Go to inbox or important
G O Go to other
G S Go to starred
G D Go to drafts
G T Go to sent mail
G E Go to done
G H Go to reminders
G M Go to muted
G ; Go to snippets
G ! Go to spam
G # Go to trash
G A Go to all mail
G L Go to label


Shortcut Action
Cmd B Bold
Cmd I Italics
Cmd U Underline
Cmd K Hyperlink
Cmd O Color
Cmd Shift X Strikethrough
Cmd Shift 7 Numbers
Cmd Shift 8 Bullets
Cmd Shift 9 Quote
Tab Indent list
Shift Tab Outdent list
Cmd ] Increase indent
Cmd [ Decrease indent


Shortcut Action
L Add or remove a label
Y Remove label
[ Remove label, next
] Remove label, previous
Shift Y Remove all labels
V Move


Shortcut Action
0 Toggle calendar
- Previous day
= Next day


Shortcut Action
Up/Down/Left/Right Superhuman focus
Tab Next split
Shift Tab Previous split
Enter Open conversation
J/K Next or previous conversation
N/P Next or previous message
Space Scroll down
Shift Space Scroll up
Cmd Up/Down Jump to the top or bottom
Cmd N New window
Cmd T New tab
Cmd Shift ] Next tab
Cmd Shift [ Previous tab
Cmd 1/2/3 Switch tabs
Cmd W Close tab
Ctrl 1/2/3 Switch accounts
Cmd = Increase font size
Cmd - Decrease font size
Cmd 0 Reset font size
Ctrl / Copy page link
Esc Back

Pop Out Compose

Shortcut Action
Cmd Shift P Pop draft in or out
Shift R Pop out reply
Shift Enter Pop out reply-all
Shift C Pop out new message
Shift F Pop out forward
Cmd / Pop out a draft and search
Cmd D Switch to or from a draft


Shortcut Action
Cmd Shift O To
Cmd Shift C CC
Cmd Shift B BCC
Cmd Shift F From
Cmd Shift S Edit subject
Cmd Shift M Edit message
Cmd Shift A Attach
Cmd Shift , Discard draft
Cmd Shift I Move contacts to BCC
Cmd Shift H Remind me
Cmd Shift L Send later
Cmd ; Use snippet
Cmd Enter Send
Cmd Shift Enter Send and mark done
Cmd Shift Z Instant send

About Superhuman

Superhuman is a premium email client renowned for its speed, clean interface, and unique features like AI-assisted follow-ups and read statuses. It caters to professionals who prioritize productivity.

Superhuman Official Information

Superhuman Shortcut Keys FAQ

  1. How do I customize Superhuman shortcuts?
    Customization isn’t currently supported; you use the predefined shortcuts.

  2. Can I use Superhuman shortcuts on Windows?
    Superhuman is designed for MacOS, but similar shortcuts may work on a Windows email client.

  3. What is the fastest way to archive an email?
    Press E while an email is selected.

  4. How do I undo a sent email?
    Quickly click “Undo” in the notification bar after sending.

  5. Is there a shortcut to mark all emails as read?
    Superhuman doesn’t support a bulk “mark all read” shortcut.

  6. How do I find unread emails?
    Use Cmd + / to search with the filter is:unread.

  7. What is the shortcut for snoozing an email?
    Use H to snooze an email and pick a time.

  8. Can I create shortcuts for specific actions?
    Superhuman does not allow custom shortcut creation.


Mastering Superhuman shortcuts can drastically improve your email productivity. With its efficient design and robust functionality, Superhuman sets the bar high for modern email clients.

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