Things HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 23 日

Shortcut keys can significantly improve work efficiency and save a lot of time when using Mac devices on a daily basis, especially when dealing with multi-task management and projects. As a powerful task management software, Things provides a variety of shortcut keys to help users organize, edit, and view tasks and projects more efficiently. Mastering these shortcut keys can make you more comfortable when using Things and avoid frequent mouse clicks, thereby improving productivity and work fluency.

Things MacOS shortcut keys


Shortcut keys Function description
Logged + Projects Quickly find completed projects
+ 5 Go to a certain day
+ 4 Go anytime
Tomorrow A quick lookup list of tomorrow’s to-do items
+ 2 Go to today
→ Arrow Enter selected item
Return to previous list
+ + + Navigate up in sidebar
+ + + Navigate down in the sidebar
+ 1 Go to inbox
+ 6 Go to log
Projects Quick find list of all projects
+ Scroll to bottom
+ F Find
Any + key Start typing to start searching
Repeating Quick find list of duplicate to-do items
Deadlines Quick lookup list of all deadlines
+ + L Show to-do items or projects in context
+ 3 Go to Coming Soon
+ Scroll to top

Edit date

Shortcut keys Function description
+ T Start now
+ ] start date +1 day
+ E Starting tonight
+ , Deadline - 1 day
+ + ] start date +1 week
+ + < Deadline - 1 week
+ S Display time
+ Q Starting from a certain day
+ [ start date -1 day
+ + [ Start date -1 week
+ R Start anytime
+ + D Add due date
+ . Deadline +1 day
+ + > Deadline +1 week
+ + R Duplicate to-do items or items

Control window

Shortcut keys Function description
+ + W Close all windows
+ / Hide or show the sidebar
+ ``` Open windows in a loop
+ + F Full screen
+ W Close the current window
+ + T Hide or show the toolbar
+ + N Open new window


Shortcut keys Function description
+ shortcut Toggle the label of the selected to-do item
+ + T Access the tag selector for the selected to-do item
+ + shortcut filter tag
+ + T Open tab window
+ Destroy the previous filter
Close tab window
+ click + any + tag Select multiple tags

Open in new window

Shortcut keys Function description
+ click + Things + URL Thing URL
+ click + search + result Quickly find results
+ double + click Clicked item
+ F + + Any list
+ Selected items
+ Open + New + Window Current list
+ click + or + + click Click list when grouping today

Select project

Shortcut keys Function description
Select the following items
+ + Expand selection to bottom
+ A Select all
+ Expand selection upwards
Select the item above
+ + Expand selection to top
+ Expand selection downwards

Edit project

Shortcut keys Function description
+ + K Deselect selected item
Open a to-do or project
+ Save and close
+ D Copy a to-do or item
+ K Complete the selected item
+ V Paste to-do or project
+ L Completed move to log
Delete selected items
Save and close
+ C Copy a to-do or item


Shortcut keys Function description
+ + Open link
+ click Open the link in the background

Create new project

Shortcut keys Function description
+ Open quick entry
+ V Paste plain text to create a new to-do item
+ + + N New title for selected to-do item
+ + N Create new project
+ + N Create new title
+ + Turn on quick typing using autocomplete
+ N Create a new to-do item
+ + C Create a list in an open to-do list
Create new to-do item below selection

Mobile Project

Shortcut keys Function description
+ + Move selection to bottom of list
+ + Move the selection to the top of the list
+ + V Move copied to-dos and projects
+ Move selection up
+ Move selection down
+ + M Move selection to another list

About Things

Things is a powerful task management application designed specifically for the MacOS platform. Its simple interface combined with powerful features helps users effectively manage daily tasks, projects, and long-term goals. Things provides multiple views and management functions, such as "Today", "Plan", "Projects" and "Tag", allowing users to organize their work as needed. Through integration with calendars and reminders, Things can become a very powerful productivity tool.

Things supports multiple shortcut keys, which can help users quickly create tasks, modify task status, view task lists, and manage projects, thus greatly improving work efficiency.

Things official website information

  • Official website address: Things official website
    On the official website, you can learn more about Things’ functions and usage tips.

  • Download address: Things download
    Click this link to download the Things app directly.

  • Shortcut key address: Things shortcut keys
    Visit this page to view the complete list of shortcut keys and learn more about using them.

Things shortcut keys FAQ

  1. How ​​to create a new task?
    Press Command + N to create a new task. This is the fastest way to create a task.

  2. How ​​to quickly switch between different views?
    Use Command + 1 (today view), Command + 2 (plan view), Command + 3 (project view) and other shortcut keys to quickly switch to different work views.

  3. How ​​to delete a task?
    After selecting the task, press Command + D to delete the task.

  4. How ​​to undo an operation?
    Press Command + Z to undo the last operation, making it easy to correct errors.

  5. How ​​to restore the undone operation?
    Press Command + Shift + Z to undo the undo operation.

  6. How ​​to quickly find tasks?
    Use Command + Option + F to search for tasks and quickly locate the tasks you want to find.

  7. How ​​to mark a task as completed?
    With a task selected, press Command + Shift + R to mark the task as completed.

  8. How ​to quickly open task details?
    Press Command + E to quickly enter the task editing interface to modify or add task details.


Mastering the shortcut keys of Things can significantly improve your efficiency in daily task management and help you better organize and handle work matters. By quickly creating tasks, switching views, marking tasks, and searching for tasks, you can focus more on your work and reduce wasted time during operations.

4.3/5 - (3 votes)