DataGrip HotKey Cheatsheet

2025 年 1 月 14 日

DataGrip, a database IDE by JetBrains, is a powerful tool for developers managing and querying databases. Knowing its shortcut keys can significantly boost productivity and streamline workflows.

DataGrip Windows Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + Alt + LReformat code
Alt + J + Alt + Shift + JPlace / delete another caret to the next occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + /Comment/uncomment: With block comment
Ctrl + W + Ctrl + Shift + WIncrease or decrease syntax-aware selection
Ctrl + YDelete current line or selected block
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste from recent buffers
Ctrl + PColumn names info (within VALUES clause)
Ctrl + Shift + UToggle case for word or selected block
Alt + Shift + ClickPlace multicarets
Ctrl + CCopy to clipboard
Ctrl + QQuick info lookup
Ctrl + XCut to clipboard
Ctrl + /Comment/uncomment: With line comment
Shift + enterStart new line
Alt + enterShow intention actions and quick-fixes
Ctrl + DDuplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl + Shift + JJoin lines
Ctrl + PParameter info (within method call arguments)
Ctrl + F4Close active console/editor tab
Alt + InsertGenerate code (Tables, functions, procedures)


Alt + F7Find usages
Ctrl + Shift + AFind any action inside the IDE
Ctrl + Alt + F7Show usages
Ctrl + Shift + F + Ctrl + Shift + RFind / Replace in path
Ctrl + F + Ctrl + RFind / Replace
Double + ShiftSearch everywhere


Alt + 1Show: Database explorer
Ctrl + F12Show: File structure popup
F4Jump to table’s data
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NGo to: Any object
EscReturn focus to editor
Ctrl + NGo to: Table/procedure, etc.
Ctrl + F6Modify object
Ctrl + BJump to DDL
Ctrl + Shift + EShow: Recent locations
Ctrl + Alt + left + Ctrl + Alt + rightGo back / forward
Alt + F1Show: Current file or object in any view
Ctrl + Shift + NGo to: File


Ctrl + B + Ctrl + ClickGo to declaration
Ctrl + Alt + GGenerate SQL for object
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + FFull-text search in a database
Shift + F6Rename
Ctrl + Shift + F12Show only editor
Ctrl + enterExecute statement
Ctrl + ERecent files/consoles popup
Ctrl + spaceCode completion


Ctrl + Alt + ZRevert changes
Ctrl + spaceValue completion
Shift + spaceSelect row
Ctrl + QQuick cell/row view
Shift + enterMaximize cell view
F4Go to related data
Ctrl + F12Column list
Alt + F7Go to referencing data
Ctrl + enterSubmit changes
Ctrl + FText search

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DataGrip macOS Shortcut Keys


+ F + + RFind / Replace
+ + AFind any action inside the IDE
+ + F7Show usages
+ F7Find usages
+ + F + + + RFind / Replace in path
Double + Search everywhere


+ FText search
+ Submit changes
+ F12Column list
+ Select row
+ Maximize cell view
+ + ZRevert changes
+ F7Go to referencing data
+ Go to related data
+ Value completion
F1Quick cell/row view


+ Code completion
+ B + + ClickGo to declaration
+ Execute statement
+ + GGenerate SQL for object
+ F6Rename
+ + F12Show only editor
+ + + FFull-text search in a database
+ ERecent files/consoles popup


+ + LReformat code
+ + UToggle case for word or selected block
+ PColumn names info (within VALUES clause)
+ DDuplicate current line or selected block
+ Start new line
+ CCopy to clipboard
+ + JJoin lines
+ G + + + GPlace / delete another caret to the next occurrence
+ + VPaste from recent buffers
+ Show intention actions and quick-fixes
+ + ClickPlace multicarets
+ + + Increase or decrease syntax-aware selection
+ NGenerate code (Tables, functions, procedures)
+ WClose active console/editor tab
+ + /Comment/uncomment: With block comment
+ XCut to clipboard
+ Delete current line or selected block
F1Quick info lookup
+ /Comment/uncomment: With line comment
+ PParameter info (within method call arguments)


+ [ + + ]Go back / forward
+ 1Show: Database explorer
Return focus to editor
+ F1Show: Current file or object in any view
+ F6Modify object
+ BJump to DDL
+ + OGo to: Any object
+ OGo to: Table/procedure, etc.
+ + EShow: Recent locations
+ F12Show: File structure popup
+ + OGo to: File
F4Jump to table’s data

Download DataGrip MacOS Shortcut Keys Cheatsheet PDF

We provide a DataGrip macOS Shortcut Keys PDF download feature. Click the download button to get the file. Please note that generating the PDF may take some time, so please be patient. Download

About DataGrip

DataGrip is a robust database IDE designed to meet the needs of SQL developers. Supporting various databases, it offers smart code completion, robust query execution, and schema management.

DataGrip Official Information

Frequently Asked Questions about DataGrip Shortcut Keys

  1. How do I customize shortcut keys in DataGrip?
    Go to File > Settings (or Preferences on macOS) > Keymap. Here, you can search for specific actions and assign custom shortcuts.

  2. Can I export my shortcut settings to another machine?
    Yes. Use File > Export Settings, select the Keymaps option, and save the settings file. Import it on another machine using File > Import Settings.

  3. What are the most frequently used shortcuts in DataGrip?
    Commonly used shortcuts include:

    • Ctrl+Enter (Command+Enter on macOS): Execute query.
    • Ctrl+D (Command+D on macOS): Duplicate line.
    • Ctrl+F (Command+F on macOS): Find in file.
  4. Is there a way to reset shortcuts to default in DataGrip?
    Yes. Go to File > Settings (or Preferences on macOS) > Keymap. Click the gear icon and choose Reset to Default Settings.

  5. Can I use DataGrip shortcuts in other JetBrains IDEs?
    Many shortcuts are consistent across JetBrains IDEs, such as IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and WebStorm. However, some may differ due to tool-specific features.

  6. How do I execute multiple queries at once in DataGrip?
    Highlight the queries you want to execute and press Ctrl+Enter (Command+Enter on macOS). If no text is highlighted, the current query under the cursor will run.

  7. Are DataGrip shortcuts compatible with all database types?
    Yes, the shortcuts are IDE-specific and independent of the database type. They work uniformly across all supported databases.

  8. What is the shortcut to view database connections?
    Use Alt+1 (Command+1 on macOS) to open the Database tool window, which lists all connections.

  9. Can I search for shortcut keys directly within DataGrip?
    Yes. Use the Ctrl+Shift+A (Command+Shift+A on macOS) shortcut to open the "Find Action" dialog, where you can search for actions and their assigned shortcuts.


Mastering DataGrip shortcut keys can significantly enhance productivity for database developers. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of essential shortcuts, grouped by functionality for both Windows and macOS users.

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