Cyberduck HotKeys

Cyberduck is a popular open-source file transfer client that supports FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, and more.

Cyberduck Windows Shortcut Keys

File Management

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+N Open a new connection
Ctrl+T Open a new browser tab
Ctrl+Shift+N Create a new folder
Ctrl+D Duplicate the selected file or folder
Ctrl+E Edit the selected file
Ctrl+I View file or folder information
Ctrl+Shift+R Rename the selected file or folder
Ctrl+O Open the selected file
Ctrl+C Copy the selected file or folder
Ctrl+V Paste a copied file or folder
Delete Delete the selected file or folder


Shortcut Function
Alt+Up Navigate to the parent directory
Alt+Down Open the selected folder
Ctrl+R Refresh the current directory view
Ctrl+Left Navigate backward
Ctrl+Right Navigate forward
Tab Move focus to the next element
Shift+Tab Move focus to the previous element
Ctrl+Home Go to the top of the file list
Ctrl+End Go to the bottom of the file list

Transfer Operations

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+U Upload files to the current directory
Ctrl+Shift+U Upload a folder
Ctrl+L Toggle the transfer log view
Ctrl+T Show the transfer window
Ctrl+P Pause all transfers
Ctrl+Shift+T Resume all paused transfers
Ctrl+Shift+C Cancel the selected transfer

Search and Filter

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+F Open the search bar
Ctrl+Shift+F Focus on the filter bar
Esc Clear the current search or filter

Bookmark Management

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+B Open the bookmark manager
Ctrl+Shift+B Add the current server to bookmarks
Ctrl+Shift+D Delete the selected bookmark

View and Settings

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+Shift+L Toggle the log drawer
Ctrl+Shift+H Show hidden files
Ctrl+1 Switch to the list view
Ctrl+2 Switch to the column view
Ctrl++ Zoom in
Ctrl+- Zoom out

Quick Access

Shortcut Function
Ctrl+Q Quit Cyberduck
F5 Refresh the current window
F1 Open the help documentation
F6 Move focus to the sidebar
Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Switch to the previous tab

Cyberduck MacOS Shortcut Keys

File Operations

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + N Create a new connection
Cmd + T Open a new browser tab
Cmd + O Open selected file
Cmd + D Duplicate selected file
Cmd + Delete Delete selected file
Cmd + I Get info about the selected file
Cmd + Shift + N Create a new folder
Cmd + C Copy the selected file
Cmd + V Paste the copied file
Cmd + Shift + D Download the selected file


Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Go to the parent directory
Cmd + Open selected directory
Cmd + [ Navigate back to the previous folder
Cmd + ] Navigate forward
Cmd + R Refresh the current directory
Cmd + Shift + H Go to the home directory
Cmd + Shift + P Open the Preferences window
Cmd + L Open the log window
Cmd + Shift + L Filter the file listing by name
Cmd + Option + S Synchronize with a local directory

Transfer Operations

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + U Upload files
Cmd + Shift + R Resume interrupted transfers
Cmd + Shift + T Toggle transfers window visibility
Cmd + Shift + A Stop all active transfers
Cmd + Option + T Clear completed transfers
Cmd + Option + L Show the transfer log for selected item
Cmd + E Disconnect from the current server


Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + B Show bookmarks
Cmd + Shift + B Add a bookmark for the current server
Cmd + Option + B Edit the selected bookmark
Cmd + 1 Open the first bookmark in the list
Cmd + 2 Open the second bookmark in the list
Cmd + Shift + C Connect to the last used bookmark

Search and Filtering

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + F Open the search bar
Cmd + Shift + L Filter by file name
Cmd + Shift + I Invert the selection
Cmd + Option + F Focus the search bar


Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Shift + H Toggle hidden files
Cmd + Option + P Show or hide the toolbar
Cmd + Option + B Show or hide the bookmark bar
Cmd + Option + K Show or hide the Quick Connect bar
Cmd + M Minimize the Cyberduck window
Cmd + H Hide Cyberduck


Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Q Quit Cyberduck
Cmd + Shift + Q Log out of Cyberduck
Cmd + Shift + S Save the current session as a file
Cmd + ? Open the Help menu

About Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a versatile client for remote file management. It offers a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with various storage services, making it a favorite among developers and IT professionals.

Cyberduck Website Information

Cyberduck Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. How can I view all shortcut keys in Cyberduck?
    Open Cyberduck's help menu or visit its official shortcut documentation.

  2. Can I customize Cyberduck shortcut keys?
    No, Cyberduck does not support custom shortcuts natively.

  3. What is the shortcut to upload files?
    Use Cmd + U to upload files.

  4. How do I delete a file using a shortcut?
    Use Cmd + Delete.

  5. How can I refresh the current directory?
    Press Cmd + R to refresh.

  6. What shortcut toggles the bookmarks window?
    Use Cmd + B.

  7. How do I open a new connection?
    Press Cmd + N.

  8. What is the shortcut to navigate back to the previous folder?
    Use Cmd + [.

  9. Can I resume interrupted transfers with a shortcut?
    Yes, use Cmd + Shift + R.

  10. How do I filter files by name?
    Use Cmd + Shift + L.

  11. Where can I download Cyberduck?


Cyberduck's extensive shortcut key options simplify file transfer and management tasks, allowing users to enhance their efficiency. Whether you're a developer or a casual user, mastering these shortcuts will streamline your Cyberduck experience.

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