Cyberduck HotKey Cheatsheet

Cyberduck is a popular open-source file transfer client that supports FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, and more.

Cyberduck Windows Shortcut Keys

File Management

Ctrl+NOpen a new connection
Ctrl+TOpen a new browser tab
Ctrl+Shift+NCreate a new folder
Ctrl+DDuplicate the selected file or folder
Ctrl+EEdit the selected file
Ctrl+IView file or folder information
Ctrl+Shift+RRename the selected file or folder
Ctrl+OOpen the selected file
Ctrl+CCopy the selected file or folder
Ctrl+VPaste a copied file or folder
DeleteDelete the selected file or folder


Alt+UpNavigate to the parent directory
Alt+DownOpen the selected folder
Ctrl+RRefresh the current directory view
Ctrl+LeftNavigate backward
Ctrl+RightNavigate forward
TabMove focus to the next element
Shift+TabMove focus to the previous element
Ctrl+HomeGo to the top of the file list
Ctrl+EndGo to the bottom of the file list

Transfer Operations

Ctrl+UUpload files to the current directory
Ctrl+Shift+UUpload a folder
Ctrl+LToggle the transfer log view
Ctrl+TShow the transfer window
Ctrl+PPause all transfers
Ctrl+Shift+TResume all paused transfers
Ctrl+Shift+CCancel the selected transfer

Search and Filter

Ctrl+FOpen the search bar
Ctrl+Shift+FFocus on the filter bar
EscClear the current search or filter

Bookmark Management

Ctrl+BOpen the bookmark manager
Ctrl+Shift+BAdd the current server to bookmarks
Ctrl+Shift+DDelete the selected bookmark

View and Settings

Ctrl+Shift+LToggle the log drawer
Ctrl+Shift+HShow hidden files
Ctrl+1Switch to the list view
Ctrl+2Switch to the column view
Ctrl++Zoom in
Ctrl+-Zoom out

Quick Access

Ctrl+QQuit Cyberduck
F5Refresh the current window
F1Open the help documentation
F6Move focus to the sidebar
Ctrl+TabSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl+Shift+TabSwitch to the previous tab

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We provide a Cyberduck Windows Shortcut Keys PDF download feature. Click the download button to get the file. Please note that generating the PDF may take some time, so please be patient. Download

Cyberduck MacOS Shortcut Keys

File Operations

Shortcut KeyDescription
Cmd + NCreate a new connection
Cmd + TOpen a new browser tab
Cmd + OOpen selected file
Cmd + DDuplicate selected file
Cmd + DeleteDelete selected file
Cmd + IGet info about the selected file
Cmd + Shift + NCreate a new folder
Cmd + CCopy the selected file
Cmd + VPaste the copied file
Cmd + Shift + DDownload the selected file


Shortcut KeyDescription
Cmd + Go to the parent directory
Cmd + Open selected directory
Cmd + [Navigate back to the previous folder
Cmd + ]Navigate forward
Cmd + RRefresh the current directory
Cmd + Shift + HGo to the home directory
Cmd + Shift + POpen the Preferences window
Cmd + LOpen the log window
Cmd + Shift + LFilter the file listing by name
Cmd + Option + SSynchronize with a local directory

Transfer Operations

Shortcut KeyDescription
Cmd + UUpload files
Cmd + Shift + RResume interrupted transfers
Cmd + Shift + TToggle transfers window visibility
Cmd + Shift + AStop all active transfers
Cmd + Option + TClear completed transfers
Cmd + Option + LShow the transfer log for selected item
Cmd + EDisconnect from the current server


Shortcut KeyDescription
Cmd + BShow bookmarks
Cmd + Shift + BAdd a bookmark for the current server
Cmd + Option + BEdit the selected bookmark
Cmd + 1Open the first bookmark in the list
Cmd + 2Open the second bookmark in the list
Cmd + Shift + CConnect to the last used bookmark

Search and Filtering

Shortcut KeyDescription
Cmd + FOpen the search bar
Cmd + Shift + LFilter by file name
Cmd + Shift + IInvert the selection
Cmd + Option + FFocus the search bar


Shortcut KeyDescription
Cmd + Shift + HToggle hidden files
Cmd + Option + PShow or hide the toolbar
Cmd + Option + BShow or hide the bookmark bar
Cmd + Option + KShow or hide the Quick Connect bar
Cmd + MMinimize the Cyberduck window
Cmd + HHide Cyberduck


Shortcut KeyDescription
Cmd + QQuit Cyberduck
Cmd + Shift + QLog out of Cyberduck
Cmd + Shift + SSave the current session as a file
Cmd + ?Open the Help menu

Download Cyberduck MacOS Shortcut Keys Cheatsheet PDF

We provide a Cyberduck MacOS Shortcut Keys PDF download feature. Click the download button to get the file. Please note that generating the PDF may take some time, so please be patient. Download

About Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a versatile client for remote file management. It offers a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with various storage services, making it a favorite among developers and IT professionals.

Cyberduck Website Information

Cyberduck Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. How can I view all shortcut keys in Cyberduck?
    Open Cyberduck's help menu or visit its official shortcut documentation.

  2. Can I customize Cyberduck shortcut keys?
    No, Cyberduck does not support custom shortcuts natively.

  3. What is the shortcut to upload files?
    Use Cmd + U to upload files.

  4. How do I delete a file using a shortcut?
    Use Cmd + Delete.

  5. How can I refresh the current directory?
    Press Cmd + R to refresh.

  6. What shortcut toggles the bookmarks window?
    Use Cmd + B.

  7. How do I open a new connection?
    Press Cmd + N.

  8. What is the shortcut to navigate back to the previous folder?
    Use Cmd + [.

  9. Can I resume interrupted transfers with a shortcut?
    Yes, use Cmd + Shift + R.

  10. How do I filter files by name?
    Use Cmd + Shift + L.

  11. Where can I download Cyberduck?


Cyberduck's extensive shortcut key options simplify file transfer and management tasks, allowing users to enhance their efficiency. Whether you're a developer or a casual user, mastering these shortcuts will streamline your Cyberduck experience.

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