Apple Music HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 27 日

Apple Music provides a seamless music streaming experience across various platforms. To enhance user efficiency, Apple Music offers a wide array of keyboard shortcuts.

Apple Music MacOS Shortcut Keys

Playing Music

Shortcut Action
Space Start playing or pause the selected song
Enter Play the currently selected song from the beginning
Cmd Opt Right Move forward within a song
Cmd Opt Left Move backward within a song
Cmd . Stop playing the selected song
Right When a song is playing, play the next song in a list
Left When a song is playing, play the previous song in a list
Cmd L Show the currently playing song in the list
Cmd Opt U Show the Playing Next queue
Opt Right Listen to the next album in a list
Opt Left Listen to the previous album in a list
Cmd Up Increase the volume
Cmd Down Decrease the volume
Cmd Opt E Open the equalizer
Cmd Shift Right Go to the next chapter, if available
Cmd Shift Left Go to the previous chapter, if available
Cmd U Stream audio file at a specific URL to Music


Shortcut Action
Cmd N Create a new playlist
Cmd Shift N Create a playlist from a selection of songs
Cmd Opt N Create a new Smart Playlist
Opt Space Start the Genius Shuffle
Cmd R Refresh a Genius Playlist, when the playlist is selected
Cmd Del Delete the selected playlist without confirmation
Opt Del Delete the selected playlist and all songs it contains from your library
Opt Del Delete the selected song from your library and all playlists

Window Options

Shortcut Action
Cmd Shift M Open the MiniPlayer
Cmd Shift F Open the Full Screen Player
Cmd Ctrl F Toggle full-screen view
Cmd / Show or hide the status bar
Cmd I Open the info window for the selected song
Cmd N In the info window, see information for the next song
Cmd P In the info window, see information for the previous song
Cmd Shift [ Go to the previous pane in the info window
Cmd Shift ] Go to the next pane in the info window
Cmd J Open the View Options window for the selected source
Cmd T Turn the visualizer on or off
? See more options when a visual effect is showing
Cmd R Refresh Apple Music or the iTunes Store
Cmd 0 Open the Music window
Cmd W Close the Music window
Cmd M Put the Music window in the Dock
Cmd H Hide the Music window
Cmd Opt H Hide all other applications


Shortcut Action
Cmd O Add a file to your library
Cmd Shift R Show where a song file is located
Cmd F Select the search field
Cmd Z Undo your last typing change while editing an item
Cmd X Cut the selected song's information or artwork
Cmd C Copy the selected song's information or artwork
Cmd V Paste the selected song's information or artwork
Cmd A Select all the songs in the list
Cmd B Show or hide the column browser
Cmd Shift A De-select all the songs in the list

iTunes Store

Shortcut Action
Opt Enter Initiate a search in the iTunes Store
Cmd ] Go to the next page in the iTunes Store
Cmd [ Go to the previous page in the iTunes Store
Cmd R Reload the current page


Shortcut Action
Cmd , Open Music Preferences
Cmd Q Quit the Music app
Cmd E Eject a CD
Cmd ? Open the Music Help menu
Cmd Opt Open a different music library, while opening Music

About Apple Music

Apple Music is a music streaming service developed by Apple Inc. Users can listen to over 100 million songs, ad-free. It offers curated radio stations, playlists, and integration with users' existing music libraries.

Apple Music Official Information

Apple Music Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. Do these shortcuts work on Windows?
    No, these specific shortcuts are for macOS. Windows has its own set of shortcuts, which can be found on the Apple Support website by searching “Apple Music keyboard shortcuts Windows”.

  2. Why some shortcuts not working?
    Check your keyboard layout and language settings, as some shortcuts might vary. Also, ensure you are in the Apple Music app.

  3. Are there shortcuts for navigating the interface?
    While this article focuses on playback and playlist management, some standard macOS navigation shortcuts (like Command + Tab for switching apps) will work.

  4. How can I find the correct shortcuts for my region?
    The Apple Support website is the best source. Search for “Apple Music keyboard shortcuts” and select your region/language.

  5. Where can I find the shortcuts within the app?
    Generally, the shortcuts are displayed next to their corresponding actions in the menu bar of the Music app.

  6. Do these shortcuts work with external keyboards?
    Yes, these shortcuts work with standard external keyboards connected to a Mac.

  7. Are there shortcuts for controlling radio stations?
    Basic playback controls (play/pause, skip) apply to radio stations, but there aren't specific shortcuts for station selection or tuning.


Keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your workflow in Apple Music. This guide provides a comprehensive list of macOS shortcuts, categorized for easy reference. By using these shortcuts, you can navigate and control your music library more efficiently. Remember to consult the official Apple Support website for the most up-to-date information and platform-specific shortcuts.

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