Bitbucket HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 26 日

Bitbucket is a popular platform for version control, used by developers to manage Git repositories. It provides a set of features that help streamline the workflow of software development. Whether you’re navigating through repositories, managing branches, or reviewing pull requests, using shortcut keys can greatly increase efficiency.

Bitbucket Windows Shortcuts

All pages

Shortcut Action
? Display keyboard shortcuts
[ Expand and collapse left navigation
/ Focus the site search

Most pages (except Your Work and Source)

Shortcut Action
. Open the Omnibar
J Select next item
K Select previous item
Enter View selected item
G D Go to Your Work dashboard
G A Go to your Personal Settings
Esc Dismiss dialog or remove focus
U Go back

Repository pages (except for Source)

Shortcut Action
C R Create a repository
I R Import a repository
R S Open repository source
R C Open repository commits
R B Open repository branches
R P Open repository pull requests
R I Open repository issues
R W Open repository wiki
R D Open repository downloads
R A Open repository settings
F Search for file

Repository pages (except for Source and Settings) {.row-span-2}

Shortcut Action
X F Fork repository
X B Create branch
X C Compare branches or tags
X P Create pull request
X I Create issue

Pull requests

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Enter Submit a comment
T C Toggle display of inline comments
P D Switch to the pull request diff tab
P C Switch to the pull request commits tab
P A Switch to the pull request activity tab
Shift T Show the list of tasks

Repository pages with sidebar

Shortcut Action
] Expand and collapse right sidebar

Repository source

Shortcut Action
F Focus the file filter

Bitbucket MacOS Shortcuts

Repository Navigation

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Alt + R Open repository
Cmd + Alt + B Go to the branch list
Cmd + Alt + M Open the pull request menu
Cmd + Alt + F Open file search
Cmd + Alt + S Open the repository settings
Cmd + Alt + L View the commit history
Cmd + Alt + C View the commit details

Pull Request Operations

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Alt + P Open pull request
Cmd + Alt + N Create a new pull request
Cmd + Alt + C View the comments on a pull request
Cmd + Alt + A Add a comment to a pull request
Cmd + Alt + U Open pull request update
Cmd + Alt + D Merge a pull request
Cmd + Alt + E Edit a pull request

General Navigation

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Alt + 1 Navigate to Dashboard
Cmd + Alt + 2 Open Bitbucket Home
Cmd + Alt + T Switch to the Activity tab
Cmd + Alt + H Open help and documentation
Cmd + Alt + K Toggle keyboard shortcuts overlay
Cmd + Alt + Q Log out of Bitbucket

Other Functions

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Alt + Z Zoom in view
Cmd + Alt + X Zoom out view
Cmd + Alt + V View repository in new tab
Cmd + Alt + W Close the current repository tab
Cmd + Alt + I Open the repository information

About Bitbucket

Bitbucket is a web-based platform that provides source code hosting for Git and Mercurial repositories. It is widely used by software development teams to collaborate on projects, review code, and manage version control. With Bitbucket, developers can work on code, track changes, and integrate with other tools like Jira and Trello.

Bitbucket Official Information

Bitbucket Shortcut Key FAQs

  1. What is the default shortcut key to open a repository in Bitbucket?
    On Windows, the shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + R. On MacOS, the shortcut is Cmd + Alt + R.

  2. How can I switch between tabs in Bitbucket?
    You can use Ctrl + Alt + 1 (Windows) or Cmd + Alt + 1 (MacOS) to go to the Dashboard.

  3. Is there a shortcut to create a new pull request?
    Yes, the shortcut is Ctrl + Alt + N (Windows) or Cmd + Alt + N (MacOS).

  4. Can I search files in Bitbucket with a shortcut?
    Yes, you can use Ctrl + Alt + F (Windows) or Cmd + Alt + F (MacOS) to open the file search.

  5. How do I navigate to the Activity tab in Bitbucket?
    On Windows, press Ctrl + Alt + T. On MacOS, press Cmd + Alt + T.

  6. What is the shortcut for adding a comment to a pull request?
    On Windows, use Ctrl + Alt + A. On MacOS, use Cmd + Alt + A.


Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Bitbucket can significantly improve your productivity and streamline your workflow. Whether you are using Windows or MacOS, these shortcuts provide quick access to essential features and operations. By integrating them into your daily routine, you can navigate Bitbucket more efficiently, saving time and effort.

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