Blender HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 12 日

Blender is a powerful 3D modeling and animation software that comes with numerous features and complex operations. To improve work efficiency, mastering keyboard shortcuts is essential. This article groups Blender's Windows keyboard shortcuts by function and presents each shortcut's usage and description in a table.

Blender Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Common Operations

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + N New Project
Ctrl + O Open Project
Ctrl + S Save Current Project
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As
Ctrl + Q Quit Blender
Ctrl + Z Undo Operation
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo Operation
Ctrl + C Copy Selected Object
Ctrl + V Paste Copied Object
Ctrl + X Cut Selected Object

View Control

Shortcut Description
Numpad 0 Switch to Camera View
Numpad 1 Front View
Numpad 3 Right View
Numpad 7 Top View
Shift + Numpad 1 Back View
Shift + Numpad 3 Left View
Shift + Numpad 7 Bottom View
Numpad 5 Toggle Perspective/Orthographic View
Shift + Space Maximize Current Window
Alt + Middle Mouse Button Rotate View
Shift + Middle Mouse Button Pan View

Object Mode Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Tab Toggle between Object and Edit Mode
A Select All Objects
B Box Select Objects
C Circle Select Tool
X Delete Selected Objects
M Move Selected Objects to Collection
Ctrl + J Join Selected Objects
Shift + D Duplicate Selected Objects
Alt + D Create Instanced Copy of Selected Object
G Move Selected Object
R Rotate Selected Object
S Scale Selected Object

Edit Mode Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
E Extrude Selected Vertex/Edge/Face
F Create Face
Ctrl + R Loop Cut
Ctrl + B Bevel Edge
I Inset Selected Face
K Knife Tool
Alt + C Convert to Mesh, Curve, Surface, etc.
Ctrl + Shift + B Smooth Vertex
X Delete Selected Vertex/Edge/Face

Rendering and Animation

Shortcut Description
F12 Start Rendering
Ctrl + F12 Render Animation
Shift + Z Preview Render (Real-time Display)
Space Play Animation
Alt + A Play/Stop Animation
Shift + Left Arrow Jump to Start Frame of Animation
Shift + Right Arrow Jump to End Frame of Animation

Other Functions

Shortcut Description
F3 Search Command
Shift + A Add New Object
Shift + Ctrl + S Save Current Scene in a Different Format
Ctrl + Alt + U Open User Preferences
Shift + Space Maximize Current Window

Blender MacOS Keyboard Shortcuts

Common Operations

Shortcut Description
Cmd + N New Project
Cmd + O Open Project
Cmd + S Save Current Project
Cmd + Shift + S Save As
Cmd + Q Quit Blender
Cmd + Z Undo Operation
Cmd + Shift + Z Redo Operation
Cmd + C Copy Selected Object
Cmd + V Paste Copied Object
Cmd + X Cut Selected Object

View Control

Shortcut Description
Numpad 0 Switch to Camera View
Numpad 1 Front View
Numpad 3 Right View
Numpad 7 Top View
Shift + Numpad 1 Back View
Shift + Numpad 3 Left View
Shift + Numpad 7 Bottom View
Numpad 5 Toggle Perspective/Orthographic View
Cmd + Space Maximize Current Window
Option + Middle Mouse Button Rotate View
Shift + Middle Mouse Button Pan View

Object Mode Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Tab Toggle between Object and Edit Mode
A Select All Objects
B Box Select Objects
C Circle Select Tool
X Delete Selected Objects
M Move Selected Objects to Collection
Cmd + J Join Selected Objects
Shift + D Duplicate Selected Objects
Alt + D Create Instanced Copy of Selected Object
G Move Selected Object
R Rotate Selected Object
S Scale Selected Object

Edit Mode Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
E Extrude Selected Vertex/Edge/Face
F Create Face
Cmd + R Loop Cut
Cmd + B Bevel Edge
I Inset Selected Face
K Knife Tool
Alt + C Convert to Mesh, Curve, Surface, etc.
Cmd + Shift + B Smooth Vertex
X Delete Selected Vertex/Edge/Face

Rendering and Animation

Shortcut Description
F12 Start Rendering
Cmd + F12 Render Animation
Shift + Z Preview Render (Real-time Display)
Space Play Animation
Alt + A Play/Stop Animation
Shift + Left Arrow Jump to Start Frame of Animation
Shift + Right Arrow Jump to End Frame of Animation

Other Functions

Shortcut Description
F3 Search Command
Shift + A Add New Object
Shift + Cmd + S Save Current Scene in a Different Format
Cmd + Alt + U Open User Preferences
Shift + Space Maximize Current Window

About Blender

Blender is a powerful open-source 3D creation software that supports a wide range of functions such as 3D modeling, animation, sculpting, rendering, compositing, and video editing. Blender is developed and maintained by a global community and offers a highly flexible interface suitable for artists, designers, and developers. Whether you're creating high-quality animated films, game assets, visual effects, or doing architectural visualization and virtual reality design, Blender provides a comprehensive toolset.

Blender supports Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms, and offers a Python API for users to customize scripts and develop plugins. Its core engines, Cycles and Eevee, provide real-time ray tracing and efficient rendering. Additionally, Blender is widely used in the film, game development, and educational sectors, making it a powerful and free 3D creation solution.

Blender Official Information

1. How to reset the view to the default position in Blender?

In Blender, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts to reset the view to its default position:

  • Front view: Numpad 1
  • Right view: Numpad 3
  • Top view: Numpad 7

If you want to reset the perspective and switch to the default perspective/orthographic view mode, press Numpad 5 to toggle the view mode.

2. How to select faces, edges, and vertices in Edit Mode?

In Blender’s Edit Mode, you can use the following shortcuts to switch between selection modes:

  • Vertex select mode: Press 1 (in Edit Mode)
  • Edge select mode: Press 2 (in Edit Mode)
  • Face select mode: Press 3 (in Edit Mode)

These shortcuts help you control and select different elements in Edit Mode more precisely.

3. How to quickly enter/exit fullscreen mode?

In Blender, you can toggle fullscreen mode for the current window by pressing Shift + Space. Pressing the same combination again will exit fullscreen mode. This is particularly useful for focusing on your work.

4. How to duplicate selected objects while maintaining their relative position?

In Blender, you can duplicate the selected object by pressing Shift + D. After duplication, the new object will stay in the same position as the original. You can immediately move the duplicate, or press Right-click to keep it in its original position.

5. How to view the properties panel of an object in Blender?

To open the properties panel of an object, press the N key to display the properties bar on the right side. Here, you can view and edit various properties of the object, such as location, rotation, scale, size, etc.

6. How to quickly hide selected objects?

In Blender, you can press the H key to hide the selected objects. To reveal hidden objects, press Alt + H to show all hidden objects. These shortcuts help you manage multiple objects in complex scenes more efficiently.


The keyboard shortcuts in Blender on macOS differ from those on Windows, so it is crucial to understand and master these shortcuts for increased productivity. This article lists the commonly used Blender shortcuts on macOS, covering object mode, edit mode, view controls, rendering, animation, and more.

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