Evernote HotKeys

Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that helps users capture ideas, manage tasks, and organize projects. Knowing the keyboard shortcuts for Evernote can save time and streamline workflows.

Evernote Windows Shortcut Keys


shortcut action
alt + ctrl + h open evernote helper
ctrl + alt + n new note window
win + shift + f search in evernote
alt + ctrl + s capture screen
ctrl + alt + v paste to evernote

navigation menu

shortcut action
up move to the previous item in the section (notebooks, tags, ...)
down move to the next item in the section (notebooks, tags, ...)
delete delete selected item
right view the list of sub-items under the selected item (if applicable)
left collapse the list of sub-items under the selected item (if applicable)


shortcut action
ctrl + shift + p print preview
ctrl + alt + \ set focus to note list
f11 full screen
ctrl + f7 top list view
ctrl + alt + f jump to search bar
ctrl + 0 reset zoom
ctrl + [ move back
f10 show/hide navigation menu
ctrl + shift + t show/hide tags view
ctrl + - zoom out
ctrl + alt + 3 show tags list
ctrl + shift + n jump to notebook
ctrl + alt + a switch to another user
ctrl + f5 snippet view
ctrl + f6 card view
ctrl + 1 + 9 jump to shortcuts 1-9
ctrl + f11 show/hide note view
ctrl + f9 thumbnail view
ctrl + m minimize
ctrl + q quickly switch to note, notebook, tag, or search
ctrl + alt + 2 show notebooks list
ctrl + p print
ctrl + f8 side list view
ctrl + n new note
ctrl + ] move forward
ctrl + + zoom in
ctrl + shift + m move note to notebook
ctrl + alt + 1 show all notes list
ctrl + q quit evernote

note editor

shortcut action
ctrl + c copy
ctrl + t strikethrough
backspace delete
ctrl + shift + g find previous
ctrl + f find within note
alt + shift + d insert date
ctrl + shift + v paste and match style
ctrl + i italic
ctrl + shift + k remove hyperlink
ctrl + e align center
ctrl + shift + d insert time
ctrl + k add hyperlink
ctrl + shift + e email note
ctrl + g find next
ctrl + alt + t tag
ctrl + y redo
ctrl + shift + x encrypt selected text
ctrl + h replace within note
ctrl + space simplify formatting
ctrl + j align right
ctrl + b bold
ctrl + a select all
ctrl + v paste
ctrl + u underline
ctrl + l align left
ctrl + x cut
ctrl + shift + b bulleted list
ctrl + z undo
ctrl + shift + o numbered list

note list

shortcut action
ctrl + enter open the selected note in a separate window
ctrl + delete move to trash
ctrl + w close active note window
ctrl + alt + l copy internal link to the clipboard
enter set focus in the note editor of the selected note

Evernote MacOS Shortcut Keys


shortcut action
+ + n Open Evernote Helper (Quick Note)
+ + + n New Note Window
+ + v Paste to Evernote
+ + Capture screen
+ + c Clip Rectangle or Window
+ + e Search in Evernote

Note Editor

shortcut action
+ Subscript
+ + v Paste and Match Style
+ + d Insert Date
+ ; Check Document Now
+ + i Show/Hide Note Info
+ + + d Insert Time
+ + { Align Left
+ l Edit Note Title
+ / Copy Public Link
+ : Show Spelling and Grammar
+ k Edit Link
+ z Undo
+ + k Strikethrough
tab Increase List Level
+ Present
+ + m Move To Notebook
+ + } Align Right
+ Justify
+ x Cut
+ + h Insert Divider
+ + [ Decrease Indent Level
+ + Present on Another Screen
+ u Underline
+ + f Search Notes
+ Superscript
+ + t Insert To-do
+ + h Highlight
+ + | Center
+ Simplify Formatting
+ + + t Edit Tags
+ r Reset Search
+ b Bold
+ tab Decrease List Level
+ v Paste
+ + c Show Colors
+ + + c Copy Internal Note Link
+ + u Toggle Bulleted List
+ k Add Link
+ + c Toggle Checklist
+ + l Insert Table
+ + x Encrypt Selected Text
+ + k Remove Link
+ g Find Next
+ a Select All
+ + ] Increase Indent Level
+ c Copy
f5 Start Dictation
+ i Italic
+ + g Find Previous
+ + z Redo
+ f Find Within Note
+ + o Toggle Numbered List
fn Emoji & Symbols
+ + m Merge Notes


shortcut action
+ n New Note
+ - Zoom out
+ + f Jump to search bar
+ + 0 Work Chat
+ + 2 Notes
+ + t New Tag
+ + f Enter Full Screen
+ s Save
+ + Zoom in
+ + s Sync
+ \ Select Note List
+ + a Show All Notes
+ + s Show/Hide Navigation Menu
+ , Preferences
+ y Quick Look Attachments
+ p Print
+ + t Show/Hide Toolbar
+ + a Switch User
+ 0 Reset zoom
+ [ Back
+ q Quit Evernote
+ ] Forward
+ + 5 Tags
+ + + n New Window
+ w Close active note window
+ + n New Notebook
+ t New Tab
+ + + n New Chat
+ j Quickly switch to note, notebook, tag, or search
+ 1 + 9 Go to Shortcuts 1-9
+ + h Hide Others
+ m Minimize
+ + 4 Notebooks
+ h Hide Evernote
+ + j Jump to tag

About Evernote

Evernote is a popular note-taking application available on multiple platforms. Its features include note synchronization, task management, and collaboration tools.

Evernote Official Information

Evernote Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. Can I customize Evernote shortcuts?
    No, Evernote shortcuts are predefined and cannot be customized.

  2. Are shortcuts the same across all platforms?
    No, Windows and macOS shortcuts differ in key combinations.

  3. Do shortcuts work in the Evernote web version?
    Some shortcuts may work, but the web version has limited support.

  4. What is the shortcut for searching notes?
    Use Ctrl + Q on Windows or Command + Q on Mac.

  5. Can I use shortcuts in shared notes?
    Yes, shortcuts work in shared notes as long as you have editing access.

  6. Is there a shortcut to lock Evernote?
    No, Evernote does not have a lock shortcut.

  7. How can I format a note quickly?
    Use formatting shortcuts like Ctrl + B (Windows) or Command + B (Mac).

  8. What is the quickest way to create a new tag?
    Use the Tag view (Ctrl + 3 on Windows or Command + 3 on Mac) and click “New Tag.”

  9. Are there shortcuts for exporting notes?
    No, exporting notes requires manual navigation through menus.


Mastering Evernote shortcut keys can significantly enhance your productivity. Whether you’re using Windows or macOS, these shortcuts provide quick access to Evernote’s essential features, helping you stay organized and efficient.

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