Logic Pro HotKeys

Logic Pro is a professional digital audio workstation (DAW) developed by Apple Inc., widely used for music production, audio editing, and mixing.

Logic Pro MacOS Shortcut Keys

Step Input

Shortcuts Action
n Velocity64(MP)
+ z Octave-2
c Velocity16(PPP)
z Octave-1
q Quantize Note Start On/Off
y NoteG#
v Velocity32(PP)
+ x Octave+2
t NoteF#
g NoteG
s NoteD
x Octave+1
j NoteB
w NoteC#
f NoteF
h NoteA
d NoteE
u NoteA#
a NoteC
e NoteD#
b Velocity48(P)
1..8 1/1,2,4..128Note

General Controls

Shortcuts Action
+ + + m Mute Off for All
+ 9 Open Transform
+ + + o Set Punch out locator by Playhead
+ ' Create Marker
n Show/hide Score Editor
+ s Solo Mode
= Swap Left and Right Locator
u Set Rounded Locators by Regions/Events
+ o Open
+ p Print
y Show/hide Library
+ + + s Solo Off for All
+ 0..9 Go to Marker Number10..19
+ + + p Autopunch Mode
+ m Minimize Window
+ 6 Open Audio File Editor
+ 4 Open Piano Roll
/ Go to Position
c Cycle Mode
+ c show/Hide colors
. Pause
+ . Fast forward
+ s Save
+ s Set Solo Lock Mode
p Show/hide Piano Roll
+ 8 Open Project Audio
, Rewind
+ + + i Set Punch in locator by Playhead
+ 2 Open Mixer
+ ' Rename Marker
1..9 Go to Marker Number1..9
+ . Go to Next Marker
b Show/hide Smart Controls
+ + s Save Project As..
+ , Fast Rewind
+ w Close Window
r Record
+ q Quit
+ 5 Open Score Editor
+ . Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position
+ / Show Detailed Help
+ 3 Open Smart Controls
+ 7 Open Event List
+ r Capture as Recording
+ + o Open Movie
+ Delete Marker
0 Stop
o Show/hide Loop Browser
+ i Import
x Sho/hide Mixer
+ 1 Open Main window
w Show/hide Audio File Editor
+ , Go to Previous Marker

Score Editor

Shortcuts Action
+ d Default Beams
+ + + 1..5 Set MainFinger1..5
+ + n Hide/show Instrument Names
+ / + Next/Previous Staff
+ p Page View
+ u Unbeam Selected Notes
+ + r Hide/Show Page Rulers
+ b Beam Selected Notes
+ f Explore Folders
+ x Explore Polyphony
+ / + Next/Previous Event
+ y Defeat Interpretation


Shortcuts Action
+ s Cable Serially
+ v Send Selected Fader Values
+ p Protect cabling/Positions
+ u Select Unused Instruments
+ arrow keys Object Movement
+ Clear cables only
+ c Show/Hide Cables
+ Delete Layer
+ i Invert Selection

Windows Showing Audio Files

Shortcuts Action
+ + r Show Files in Folder
+ 0 Snap edit to Zero crossing
+ ; Add to track
+ c Cycle Audition


Shortcuts Action
+ s Select Instrument Channel Strips
+ c Select Equal Colored Channel Strips
+ e Select MIDI Channel Strips
+ f Select Auxiliary Channel Strips
+ a Select Audio Channel Strips
+ o Select Output Channel Strips
+ m Select Muted Channel Strips
+ x Cycle through Mixer Nodes

Main Window

Shortcuts Action
+ d Delete Duplicated Events
+ o Select Overlapped Regions/Events
+ f Select All Following
+ i Invert Selection
l Loop Regions/Folders on/off
+ c Select Equal Colored Regions/Events
+ + x New External MIDI Track
+ + s New Software Instrumentt Track
+ + d Deselect all
+ + n New Tracks
+ m Select Muted Regions/Events
+ Delete Track
+ + a New Audio Track
+ l Select All Inside Locators
+ b Bounce
+ p Select Same Subpositions

Audio File Editor

Shortcuts Action
+ + r Reverse
+ g New Group
+ n Normalize
+ r Create New Region
+ p Search Peak
+ o Fade Out
+ + i Invert
+ d Remove DC Offset
+ z New Zone
+ i Fade In
+ Silence
+ s Search Silence

Step Editor

Shortcuts Action
+ a Toggle Auto Define
+ + n Create Lane
+ c Copy Lane
+ v Paste Lane

Various Editors

Shortcuts Action
+ + z Redo
+ v Paste
+ x Cut
+ + + 1..3 Recall Zoom1..3
i Show/Hide Inspector
+ + o Show/hide movie track only
+ a Select all
+ + z Undo History..
+ c Copy
+ z Undo
+ + t Show/hide Tempo Track only
+ g Grid
t Show Tool Menu
+ keys Zoom in/Zoom out

Global Control Surface

Shortcuts Action
+ l Learn new controller assignment
+ + k Open Controller Assignments

Project Audio

Shortcuts Action
+ i Import Region Info
+ r Add Region
+ o Optimize Files
+ e Export Region Info
+ x Strip Silence
+ g Create Group
+ f Add Audio Files
+ b Backup Files
+ / + Select Previos/Next Audio Files
+ k Copy/Convert Files
+ u Select Unused

About Logic Pro

Logic Pro is designed for MacOS and is known for its powerful features such as advanced MIDI editing, integrated Dolby Atmos tools, and a vast library of loops and plugins. It is a preferred choice for professional audio engineers and music producers.

Logic Pro Official Information

Logic Pro Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. How can I customize shortcut keys in Logic Pro?
    Go to Logic Pro > Key Commands > Edit to assign or modify shortcuts.

  2. Are the shortcuts the same for all Mac keyboards?
    Yes, but some shortcuts might vary depending on regional keyboard layouts.

  3. Can I reset shortcuts to default settings?
    Yes, go to the Key Commands editor and select "Reset to Default".

  4. What should I do if a shortcut is not working?
    Check for conflicts with system-wide shortcuts in System Preferences.

  5. Are there Logic Pro shortcuts for touch bar-equipped Macs?
    Yes, Logic Pro integrates with the touch bar for quick access to key functions.

  6. Can I export my custom shortcut configuration?
    Yes, you can export configurations via the Key Commands editor.

  7. Is there a way to learn shortcuts more interactively?
    Use the "Key Command Learning" feature in the Key Commands menu.


Mastering Logic Pro shortcut keys can significantly improve your efficiency in music production and audio editing. With this comprehensive guide, you can navigate through Logic Pro with ease. Explore the official resources and customize shortcuts to suit your workflow for an even better experience.

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