Missive HotKeys

Missive is a powerful collaborative email and chat app designed to streamline team communication and productivity.

Missive Windows Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Action
Down Next item
Up Previous item
Alt Up First item
Alt Down Last item
Right Open item
Left Collapse item
Tab Next scope
Shift Tab Previous scope
PgUp Scroll up
PgDn Scroll down


Shortcut Action
Shift Up Select next conversation
Shift Down Select previous conversation
Alt Shift Up Select until first conversation
Alt Shift Down Select until last conversation
Ctrl A Select all conversations


Shortcut Action
Ctrl N Compose new email
Ctrl Shift N Create new conversation
Ctrl F Search
Ctrl Shift C Focus comment box
Ctrl Shift X Focus task box
Space Preview item
Ctrl Up Edit previous comment
Ctrl Shift Y Set a status
Ctrl . Open conversation contextual menu
Ctrl G Open more menu
Ctrl L Open location
Ctrl , Open preferences
Ctrl Shift , Open contacts
Ctrl Alt S Toggle right sidebar
Ctrl Alt N Main right sidebar action
Ctrl Alt R Reload


Shortcut Action
Back Archive or remove label
Alt Back Close
Cmd Back Trash
Ctrl Shift L Label as...
Ctrl Alt L Move to...
Ctrl Shift K Assign
Ctrl Shift J Snooze
Ctrl Shift S Toggle star
Ctrl Shift M Toggle watch
Ctrl R Reply all
Ctrl Shift R Reply
Ctrl Shift F Forward
Ctrl Shift D Open or focus draft
Ctrl P Print
Ctrl O Open in new window
Ctrl Z Undo last action
Ctrl Shift Z Redo last action
Ctrl Shift I Mark as read
Ctrl Shift U Mark as unread
Ctrl Shift = Mark as important
Ctrl - Mark as not important
Ctrl Shift Right Expand entire conversation
Ctrl Shift Left Collapse entire conversation
Ctrl Shift ' Toggle message quote
Ctrl Shift P Pin to sidebar
Ctrl Shift G Merge...


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Enter Send
Ctrl Shift Enter Send and archive
Ctrl D Discard draft
Ctrl Shift C Add CC recipients
Ctrl Shift B Add BCC recipients
Ctrl K Insert a link
Ctrl Shift O Open responses


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift - Decrease text size
Ctrl Shift = Increase text size
Ctrl B Bold
Ctrl I Italic
Ctrl U Underline
Ctrl Shift 7 Numbered list
Ctrl Shift 8 Bulleted list
Ctrl [ Decrease indent
Ctrl ] Increase indent


Shortcut Action
Ctrl N Create event
Ctrl R Refresh
Enter View day
T Today
Ctrl L Go to date
D Day view
W Week view
M Month view
A Agenda view


Shortcut Action
Ctrl 1-9 Go to Mailbox 1-9

Missive MacOS Shortcut Keys

Navigation Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Cmd+1 Switch to Inbox
Cmd+2 Switch to Drafts
Cmd+3 Switch to Sent
Cmd+4 Switch to Archive
Cmd+Shift+N Navigate to next conversation
Cmd+Shift+P Navigate to previous conversation

Message Management Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Cmd+Enter Send message
Cmd+Shift+Enter Send message and archive thread
Cmd+E Archive selected conversation
Cmd+Shift+E Archive all conversations
Cmd+R Reply to the sender
Cmd+Shift+R Reply to all
Cmd+F Forward message

Formatting Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Cmd+B Bold
Cmd+I Italic
Cmd+U Underline
Cmd+K Add hyperlink
Cmd+Shift+C Insert code block

Collaboration Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Cmd+Shift+M Mention a teammate
Cmd+G Assign a conversation
Cmd+Shift+A Add a comment

About Missive

Missive combines email and chat into a single app, enabling teams to collaborate on conversations efficiently. It supports shared inboxes, task management, and real-time chat, making it an ideal tool for businesses and individuals looking to boost productivity.

Missive Official Information

Missive Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. Can I customize Missive shortcuts?
    Yes, Missive allows some shortcut customization through the settings menu.

  2. Are there separate shortcuts for Windows?
    Yes, Windows users have their own set of shortcuts compatible with the platform.

  3. Can I use shortcuts for shared inboxes?
    Yes, all standard navigation and collaboration shortcuts work in shared inboxes.

  4. How do I reset shortcuts to default?
    Navigate to settings and select the option to reset shortcuts.

  5. Do shortcuts work offline?
    Shortcuts work for actions that do not require an internet connection, like composing messages.

  6. Are there shortcuts for searching emails?
    Yes, use Cmd+F for a quick search.

  7. How do I mark emails as read/unread using shortcuts?
    Use Cmd+Shift+U to toggle read/unread status.

  8. Can I undo actions with shortcuts?
    Yes, Cmd+Z can undo certain actions like archiving.

  9. Are the same shortcuts available on the mobile app?
    No, shortcuts are primarily for desktop versions.


Missive’s robust set of shortcut keys enhances productivity by simplifying navigation, message management, and collaboration. By mastering these shortcuts, users can save time and focus on meaningful communication. Explore Missive to unlock its full potential!

4.5/5 - (2 votes)