Obsidian HotKeys

Obsidian is a powerful note-taking and knowledge management application that uses Markdown files. Efficient use of keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your workflow within Obsidian.

Obsidian Desktop Windows Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + PageDown Switch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab / Ctrl + PageUp Switch to the previous tab
Ctrl + 1 - 4 Switch to the 1st to 4th tab
Ctrl + 9 Switch to the last tab
Ctrl + Alt + Go back in history
Ctrl + Shift + t Reopen last closed tab

File and Workspace Management

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + N Create a new note
Ctrl + O Open a note
Ctrl + S Save the current note
Ctrl + W Close the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + W Close all tabs
Ctrl + , Open settings


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste without formatting
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z / Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + ; Add properties to the current document
Ctrl + Enter Insert a new line below the current line
Backspace Delete the character before the cursor
Delete Delete the character after the cursor
Ctrl + Backspace Delete the word before the cursor
Ctrl + Delete Delete the word after the cursor
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete the current line (when no text is selected)


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + F Open the search panel
Ctrl + Shift + F Global search

Obsidian Desktop MacOS Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous tab
Cmd + 1 - 9 Switch to the 1st to 9th tab
Cmd + [ Go back in history
Cmd + ] Go forward in history
Cmd + Shift + t Reopen last closed tab

File and Workspace Management

Shortcut Description
Cmd + N Create a new note
Cmd + O Open a note
Cmd + S Save the current note
Cmd + W Close the current tab
Cmd + Shift + W Close all tabs
Cmd + , Open settings


Shortcut Description
Cmd + C Copy
Cmd + X Cut
Cmd + V Paste
Cmd + Shift + V Paste without formatting
Cmd + Z Undo
Cmd + Shift + Z Redo
Cmd + K Insert link
Cmd + ; Add properties to the current document
Enter Insert a new line below the current line
Delete Delete the character before the cursor
Fn + Delete Delete the character after the cursor
Option + Delete Delete the word before the cursor
Option + Fn + Delete Delete the word after the cursor


Shortcut Description
Cmd + F Open the search panel
Cmd + Shift + F Global search

About Obsidian Desktop

Obsidian is a powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files. It is a tool for thought and a personal knowledge base.

Obsidian Desktop Official Information

Obsidian Desktop Shortcut FAQs

  1. Can I customize shortcuts in Obsidian?
    Yes, you can customize shortcuts in Obsidian's settings.

  2. Where can I find the full list of shortcuts within the app?
    You can find detailed shortcut information within the Help vault within Obsidian.

  3. Do these shortcuts work on all operating systems?
    There are some differences between Windows and macOS shortcuts, as outlined in this article.

  4. Are there shortcuts for plugins?
    Some plugins may add their own shortcuts. Refer to the plugin’s documentation.

  5. What if a shortcut doesn't work?
    Ensure you are using the correct operating system's shortcut. Also, check for any conflicting shortcuts in
    your settings.

  6. How do I reset shortcuts to default?
    In the settings, you can reset individual shortcuts or all shortcuts to their default values.

  7. Is there a shortcut to create a new folder?
    No, there isn't a direct keyboard shortcut for creating new folders.

  8. Can I use these shortcuts in the mobile app?
    The mobile app has its own set of touch-based interactions and some different shortcuts.

  9. Are there shortcuts for formatting text (bold, italics, etc.)?
    Yes, common formatting shortcuts like Ctrl/Cmd + B for bold and Ctrl/Cmd + I for italics are supported.


Mastering these keyboard shortcuts can greatly enhance your productivity in Obsidian. Regularly using them will become second nature, allowing you to focus more on your thoughts and less on navigating the interface. Remember to consult the in-app Help vault for the most up-to-date and complete information.

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