QuickTime Player HotKeys

QuickTime Player, developed by Apple Inc., is a versatile multimedia player that allows users to play, record, edit, and share various types of media files. To enhance productivity and streamline workflows, QuickTime Player offers numerous shortcut keys, especially for macOS users.

QuickTime Player macOS Shortcut Keys

Playback Controls

Shortcut Key Function
Space Play/Pause the current media
Right Arrow Fast forward
Left Arrow Rewind
Up Arrow Increase volume
Down Arrow Decrease volume
Cmd+Right Arrow Jump to the next chapter
Cmd+Left Arrow Jump to the previous chapter
Option+Right Arrow Skip forward by 10 seconds
Option+Left Arrow Skip backward by 10 seconds
Cmd+P Pause/resume playback

Recording Controls

Shortcut Key Function
Option+Cmd+N Start a new screen recording
Option+Cmd+R Open audio recording window
Cmd+T Start/Stop recording
Shift+Cmd+R Open a new movie recording
Option+Shift+N Open a new audio recording

Editing Controls

Shortcut Key Function
Cmd+K Trim the current media
Cmd+C Copy the selected media segment
Cmd+V Paste the copied media segment
Cmd+X Cut the selected media segment
Cmd+A Select all media
Cmd+Z Undo the last action
Cmd+Shift+Z Redo the last undone action
Option+Cmd+C Copy playback settings

File Controls

Shortcut Key Function
Cmd+O Open a file
Cmd+S Save the current file
Cmd+Shift+S Save as...
Cmd+N Create a new QuickTime document
Cmd+W Close the current window
Cmd+Q Quit QuickTime Player
Cmd+Shift+W Close all windows

View Controls

Shortcut Key Function
Cmd+1 Actual size
Cmd+2 Fit to screen
Cmd+3 Full screen
Cmd+Shift+F Enter/Exit full screen
Cmd+L Loop playback
Option+Cmd+L Show/Hide media inspector
Cmd+H Hide QuickTime Player
Cmd+Tab Switch between applications

Window and Help Controls

Shortcut Key Function
Cmd+M Minimize the current window
Cmd+Tilde (~) Switch between QuickTime windows
Cmd+Shift+H Open the Help menu
Cmd+F Search for a specific feature
Option+Cmd+Esc Force quit QuickTime Player

About QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player is a robust multimedia tool for macOS, known for its simplicity and functionality. Users can play, record, edit, and share video or audio files with ease. Integrated seamlessly into macOS, it is a must-have application for multimedia enthusiasts.

QuickTime Player Official Information

QuickTime Player Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. What is the shortcut to play or pause media in QuickTime Player?
    Press the Space key to play or pause media.

  2. How can I enter full-screen mode using a shortcut?
    Use Cmd+3 or Cmd+Shift+F.

  3. What shortcut is used to trim a media file?
    Use Cmd+K.

  4. How do I save a file quickly?
    Use Cmd+S to save or Cmd+Shift+S to save as.

  5. Is there a shortcut to adjust the volume?
    Use the Up Arrow to increase and the Down Arrow to decrease the volume.

  6. What is the shortcut for fast-forwarding a video?
    Press the Right Arrow.

  7. How do I open a new recording window?
    Use Option+Cmd+N.

  8. Can I undo my last action?
    Yes, use Cmd+Z to undo and Cmd+Shift+Z to redo.

  9. What is the shortcut for closing the current QuickTime Player window?
    Use Cmd+W.


QuickTime Player provides an array of shortcut keys that enhance its usability, making it an efficient multimedia tool. Familiarizing yourself with these shortcuts will undoubtedly save time and improve your overall experience. For further details, visit the official QuickTime Player page.

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