Webflow HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 30 日

Webflow is a powerful web design tool that allows users to build responsive websites without writing code. To speed up your workflow and become more efficient, learning the shortcut keys can save a lot of time.

Webflow Windows Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Action
Shift / Show shortcut cheatsheet
Ctrl Shift S Save as a snapshot
Esc Deselect or abort
Del Delete element
Shift P Show publish dialog
Shift E Show export code dialog
Enter Edit element


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift P Preview mode
Ctrl Shift G Guide overlay
Ctrl Shift E Show element edges
Ctrl Shift X X-ray mode

Left-hand Toolbar

Shortcut Action
A Show add panel
Z Show navigator tab
P Show pages panel
Shift A Show symbols panel
Ctrl Shift A Make selected element a symbol
J Show asset manager

Right-hand Tabs

Shortcut Action
S Show style tab
D Show settings tab
G Show style manager tab
H Show interactions tab


Shortcut Action
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl X Cut
Ctrl V Paste
Alt (drag) Duplicate


Shortcut Action
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Shift Z Redo

Device View

Shortcut Action
1 Desktop
2 Tablet
3 Phone (landscape)
4 Phone (portrait)

Style Panel

Shortcut Action
Shift (drag) Margin or padding (on all sides)
Alt (drag) Margin or padding (top and bottom, or left and right)
Ctrl Enter Add class to selected element
Ctrl Shift Enter Rename last class on selected element


Shortcut Action
Ctrl K Quick find


Shortcut Action
Alt (click) Expand or collapse panel sections
Up/Down Select parent or child element
Left/Right Select sibling element
Alt Left/Right Select next or previous element
Ctrl Shift L Toggle collaborators on selected element

Webflow MacOS Shortcut Keys

General Functions

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + S Save the project
Cmd + Z Undo the last action
Cmd + Shift + Z Redo the last undone action
Cmd + A Select all elements in the current view
Cmd + Shift + A Deselect all elements
Cmd + Shift + S Save a copy of the project
Cmd + Q Quit Webflow
Cmd + P Open a new project
Cmd + R Refresh the project view
Cmd + Shift + R Reload the current page in Designer

Layout and Navigation

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + 1 Switch to the Designer panel
Cmd + 2 Switch to the Pages panel
Cmd + 3 Open the Assets panel
Cmd + 4 Switch to the Style panel
Cmd + 5 Switch to the Interactions panel
Cmd + 6 Switch to the CMS Collections panel
Cmd + Shift + F Open the search bar
Cmd + E Open the settings panel
Cmd + Shift + I Open the Inspect panel
Cmd + T Open a new tab
Cmd + Option + T Open the Webflow designer in full-screen mode

Element Management

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Shift + D Duplicate the selected element
Cmd + Shift + C Clone the selected element
Cmd + Shift + P Preview the project
Cmd + G Group the selected elements
Cmd + Shift + G Ungroup the selected elements
Cmd + Shift + X Cut the selected element
Cmd + C Copy the selected element
Cmd + V Paste the copied element
Cmd + Shift + V Paste the copied element without style
Cmd + Shift + Z Redo the last undone action

Text and Typing Functions

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + B Bold selected text
Cmd + I Italicize selected text
Cmd + U Underline selected text
Cmd + Shift + K Strike through selected text
Cmd + Shift + L Align text left
Cmd + Shift + R Align text right
Cmd + Shift + C Align text center
Cmd + Shift + J Justify text

Styling Functions

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Option + I Toggle the Inspect panel
Cmd + Shift + M Open the Style Manager panel
Cmd + Shift + L Toggle the left panel visibility
Cmd + Option + S Toggle the settings panel
Cmd + Shift + V Paste styles from another element

Grid and Layout

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Shift + M Open the grid layout panel
Cmd + Option + M Open the flexbox layout panel
Cmd + Shift + P Toggle preview mode
Cmd + Shift + H Hide all panels
Cmd + Option + F Open the Flexbox helper panel

Preview and Publishing

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Shift + P Preview the project
Cmd + Shift + E Publish the project
Cmd + Option + P Publish the selected page
Cmd + Shift + B Toggle between design and preview modes

Browser & Page Navigation

Shortcut Key Description
Cmd + Tab Switch between open applications
Cmd + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous open application
Cmd + Option + Arrow Left Go to the previous page in Designer
Cmd + Option + Arrow Right Go to the next page in Designer

About Webflow

Webflow is a web design platform that allows users to design, build, and launch responsive websites visually. Unlike traditional website builders, Webflow gives users control over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without the need for coding. It also integrates powerful CMS features, allowing users to create dynamic content-driven sites.

Webflow Official Information

Here are some key official resources for Webflow users:

Webflow Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. How do I switch between different panels in Webflow?
    You can use Ctrl + (1-3) for Windows or Cmd + (1-3) for MacOS to switch between the Designer, Pages, and Assets panels.

  2. How can I quickly duplicate an element?
    Use Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + D (MacOS) to duplicate the selected element.

  3. What is the shortcut for previewing my design?
    The shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + P for Windows or Cmd + Shift + P for MacOS.

  4. Can I undo or redo my actions in Webflow?
    Yes, use Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Cmd + Z (MacOS) to undo, and Ctrl + Shift + Z (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + Z (MacOS) to redo actions.

  5. Is there a shortcut to select all elements in the workspace?
    Use Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (MacOS) to select all elements in the Designer view.

  6. How do I deselect all elements?
    Use Ctrl + Shift + A (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + A (MacOS) to deselect all elements.

  7. Can I access the search bar with a shortcut?
    Yes, use Ctrl + Shift + F (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + F (MacOS) to open the search bar.

  8. Is there a shortcut to access the settings panel?
    Yes, use Ctrl + E (Windows) or Cmd + E (MacOS) to open the settings panel.

  9. How do I save my work quickly?
    Simply use Ctrl + S (Windows) or Cmd + S (MacOS) to save your project.


Mastering Webflow's keyboard shortcuts can significantly enhance your workflow and help you design websites more efficiently. By using the shortcuts listed above, you’ll be able to navigate Webflow faster, perform common actions more quickly, and focus more on creativity rather than repetitive tasks. Be sure to regularly refer to the Webflow official website for updates and additional resources.

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