OmniFocus HotKey Cheatsheet

OmniFocus is a powerful task management software designed to help you organize your tasks, projects, and to-do lists. Whether you're managing personal tasks or work-related projects, OmniFocus provides a robust set of tools for effective time management. In this article, we’ll explore the keyboard shortcut keys available for OmniFocus on MacOS to boost your productivity. These shortcuts will help you navigate the software quickly and efficiently, saving you valuable time.

OmniFocus MacOS Shortcuts

General Shortcuts

Command+NCreate a new task.
Command+Shift+NCreate a new project.
Command+TShow the Today view.
Command+1Switch to Inbox.
Command+2Switch to Projects.
Command+3Switch to Tags.
Command+4Switch to Forecast.
Command+5Switch to Review.
Command+6Switch to Perspectives.
Command+PPrint current view.
Command+QQuit OmniFocus.
Command+WClose the current window.
Command+MMinimize OmniFocus.
Command+Shift+MMinimize all windows.
Command+RRefresh the current view.
Command+Shift+QQuit all windows and the app.
Command+HHide OmniFocus.

Task Management

Command+EnterEdit the selected task.
Command+Shift+EMark the task as completed.
Command+DeleteDelete the selected task.
Command+SpaceShow the Quick Entry dialog.
Command+Shift+PPostpone the selected task.
Command+DDuplicate the selected task.
Command+KAdd a new note to the selected task.
Command+Shift+DToggle the selected task’s due date.
Command+Option+MMark task as a milestone.
Command+Shift+BShow the selected task’s notes.
Command+Shift+OOpen the selected task in a new window.
Command+Shift+XToggle task's flagged status.
Command+FFocus on selected task.


Command+Up ArrowGo to the previous task or project.
Command+Down ArrowGo to the next task or project.
Command+Left ArrowCollapse the selected project.
Command+Right ArrowExpand the selected project.
Option+Command+NShow the Inbox in a new window.
Option+Command+TShow the Today view in a new window.
Option+Command+RShow the Review view in a new window.
Command+Shift+FGo to Forecast view.
Command+Shift+PGo to Projects view.
Command+Shift+TGo to Tags view.
Command+Shift+COpen the Contexts (Tags) filter.

Searching and Filtering

Command+FOpen the search bar.
Command+Shift+FFocus on the search bar.
Command+Shift+CFilter tasks by context.
Command+Shift+RFilter tasks by project.
Command+Shift+TShow tasks that are due today.
Command+Shift+SShow tasks that are overdue.
Command+Option+FOpen the search bar and filter by tags.
Command+Option+GSearch the tasks by project.
Command+Option+SSearch tasks by specific status (e.g., flagged, completed).


Command+Shift+1Switch to the first saved perspective.
Command+Shift+2Switch to the second saved perspective.
Command+Shift+3Switch to the third saved perspective.
Command+Shift+4Switch to the fourth saved perspective.
Command+Shift+5Switch to the fifth saved perspective.
Command+Shift+6Switch to the sixth saved perspective.
Command+Shift+7Switch to the seventh saved perspective.
Command+Shift+8Switch to the eighth saved perspective.

Views and Layouts

Command+Option+1Show the default layout.
Command+Option+2Show a different layout for tasks (compact view).
Command+Option+3Show a layout with more task details (expanded view).
Command+Shift+VToggle the project’s view for tasks.
Command+Shift+IShow the inspector window.
Command+Option+TToggle the side panel for quick task overview.

Task Creation and Updates

Command+Shift+QQuickly add a new task to the inbox.
Command+Shift+ICreate a new task and assign a tag.
Command+Shift+KAdd a task to the project with a specific context.
Command+Shift+JCreate a task with a deadline.
Command+Option+NCreate a new project under the selected project group.

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command+Option+SToggle the sidebar.
Command+Option+LOpen the project’s task list in a new window.
Command+Option+EAdd a new folder for organizing tasks.
Command+Option+PShow project properties in a new window.
Command+Option+RRefresh all tasks and projects.

Task Editing and Formatting

Command+BBold the text of the selected task or note.
Command+IItalicize the text of the selected task or note.
Command+UUnderline the text of the selected task or note.
Command+Shift+LAdd a link to a task.
Command+Shift+NInsert a new line in the task note.

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About OmniFocus

OmniFocus is a sophisticated task management application that helps users get organized by providing powerful features like task grouping, project planning, and detailed task tracking. With a focus on productivity, OmniFocus is perfect for both personal and professional use. It integrates with various devices and platforms, ensuring seamless task management across all your devices.

OmniFocus Official Information

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the purpose of OmniFocus shortcuts?
    OmniFocus shortcuts are designed to help users quickly perform actions within the software, such as adding tasks, switching views, and navigating through projects.

  2. Can I customize the shortcuts in OmniFocus?
    Currently, OmniFocus does not allow direct customization of shortcuts within the app. However, you can use macOS system preferences to create custom keyboard shortcuts.

  3. How do I switch between projects using keyboard shortcuts?
    Use Command+1 to switch to the Inbox, Command+2 to go to Projects, and Command+3 for Tags.

  4. Is there a shortcut to complete tasks quickly?
    Yes, you can use Command+Shift+E to mark a task as completed.

  5. Can I filter tasks by due date?
    Yes, use Command+Shift+T to show tasks that are due today.

  6. How do I access the search function in OmniFocus?
    Use Command+F to open the search bar.

  7. What is the best shortcut to navigate between different perspectives?
    You can switch between saved perspectives using Command+Shift+1, 2, 3, etc., to access your favorite views.

  8. Can I create a new task with a shortcut?
    Yes, simply press Command+N to create a new task.

  9. What is the purpose of the Quick Entry dialog?
    The Quick Entry dialog allows you to quickly add tasks to your Inbox. Open it by pressing Command+Space.


Mastering OmniFocus' keyboard shortcuts is a great way to increase your efficiency when using the app. Whether you're organizing your to-dos, navigating through projects, or accessing specific views, these shortcuts allow you to save time and streamline your workflow. By incorporating these shortcuts into your routine, you can manage your tasks more effectively and maximize your productivity in OmniFocus.

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