Google Drive HotKeys

2024 年 12 月 30 日

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services, providing users with the ability to store files online and access them from anywhere. The platform offers various shortcut keys that can help enhance productivity, whether you're using it on a Windows or macOS device.

Google Drive Windows Shortcut Keys

Navigation and views

Shortcut Action
G N Go to navigation panel (folders list)
G L Go to items view
V Switch between grid and list in items view
G D Go to details pane
G T Go to top of application (Google bar)
G A Go to download status
G U Go to upload status
D Show or hide details pane
I Show or hide activity pane

Select items

Shortcut Action
X Select or deselect item
J/Down Select next item down
K/Up Select next item up
H/Left Select next item to the left
L/Right Select next item to the right
Shift Down Extend selection down
Shift Up Extend selection up
Shift Left Extend selection left
Shift Right Extend selection right
Shift A Select all visible items
Shift N Clear all selections

Move between items

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Down Move down without changing selection
Ctrl Up Move up without changing selection
Ctrl Left Move left without changing selection
Ctrl Right Move right without changing selection

Take action on selected items

Shortcut Action
Enter Open selected item
N Rename selected item
. Share selected items
Z Move selected items to new folder
S Star or unstar selected items
Shift Z Add selected items to an additional folder
Delete Remove selected items
Ctrl Z Undo last action
Ctrl Shift Z Redo last undone action

Create new items

Shortcut Action
Shift T Document
Shift P Presentation
Shift S Spreadsheet
Shift D Drawing
Shift F Folder
Shift O Form

Open menus

Shortcut Action
C Create menu
A More actions menu
F Current folder actions menu
R Sort menu
T Settings menu

Application actions

Shortcut Action
Shift / Display keyboard shortcuts list
Q Q Choose next visual density
Ctrl F Find/find next
Ctrl P Print
M Show last message
/ Search your drive

Preview mode actions

Shortcut Action
Esc Close
Space Play/pause
+/= Zoom in
- Zoom out

Google Drive MacOS Shortcut Keys

File Navigation

Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + Alt + N Create a new folder
Cmd + Alt + Shift + T Show the trash folder
Cmd + E Open the file details panel
Cmd + Alt + S Star or unstar a file
Cmd + Shift + Z Open the details panel for selected file
Cmd + Alt + Shift + N Create a new document
Cmd + G Move to the next item in the list
Cmd + Shift + G Move to the previous item in the list
Cmd + Alt + Up Arrow Move to the parent folder
Cmd + Alt + Down Arrow Open the selected folder or file

File Operations

Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + C Copy the selected file or folder
Cmd + X Cut the selected file or folder
Cmd + V Paste the copied or cut file or folder
Delete Delete the selected file or folder
Cmd + Shift + D Duplicate the selected file
Cmd + Alt + R Rename the selected file
Cmd + Shift + H Add a file to your "Recent" list
Cmd + Shift + B Move a file to your "Bin" folder
Cmd + Alt + M Move the selected file or folder to another folder

Viewing and Sorting

Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + Alt + L Toggle between list and grid views
Cmd + Shift + R Sort files by name
Cmd + Shift + S Sort files by size
Cmd + Shift + M Sort files by last modified date
Cmd + Alt + T Show or hide the toolbar
Cmd + Alt + F Focus on the search bar
Cmd + Shift + + Increase the thumbnail size
Cmd + Shift + - Decrease the thumbnail size

Search and Filters

Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + F Open the search bar
Cmd + Shift + F Switch to search view
Cmd + Alt + F Focus on search bar
Cmd + Shift + I Search within a selected folder
Cmd + Alt + P Preview search results
Cmd + Shift + E Exclude a type of file from search
Cmd + Shift + C Clear all filters from search results


Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + + Zoom in on the current page
Cmd + - Zoom out of the current page
Cmd + 0 Reset zoom to default
Cmd + Shift + F11 Enter full-screen mode
Cmd + Option + Ctrl + T Toggle high contrast mode


Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + Alt + Shift + C Open the comments panel
Cmd + Alt + Shift + A Add a comment to a file
Cmd + Alt + Shift + U Resolve a comment
Cmd + Alt + Shift + R Reopen a resolved comment
Cmd + Alt + Shift + H Show comment history
Cmd + Alt + K Assign a task to a collaborator

File Sharing

Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + Alt + Shift + S Share the selected file
Cmd + Alt + Shift + P Get a sharable link for the selected file
Cmd + Alt + Shift + O Open sharing settings for a file
Cmd + Alt + Shift + L Limit access to collaborators
Cmd + Alt + Shift + U Change permissions to "View Only"


Shortcut Key Function Description
Cmd + Alt + Shift + T Open the Google Drive settings page
Cmd + Shift + P Print the selected document
Cmd + Alt + Shift + Q Sign out of Google Drive
Cmd + Alt + Shift + D Check storage usage
Cmd + / Open the list of all shortcuts

About Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service that allows you to store files online, share documents with others, and access your data from any internet-enabled device. Whether you're working on documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, Google Drive offers seamless integration with Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and other Google Workspace apps. The platform offers a generous amount of free storage, and you can purchase additional storage as needed.

Google Drive Official Information

Google Drive Shortcut Keys Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I create a new folder in Google Drive?
    Windows: Ctrl + Alt + N MacOS: Cmd + Alt + N

  2. How do I delete files in Google Drive?
    Press the Delete key on both Windows and MacOS.

  3. Can I search for files in Google Drive using a shortcut?
    Windows: Ctrl + F MacOS: Cmd + F

  4. How do I open the file details panel?
    Windows: Ctrl + E MacOS: Cmd + E

  5. What is the shortcut to zoom in or zoom out in Google Drive?
    Windows: Ctrl + + to zoom in, Ctrl + - to zoom out. MacOS: Cmd + + to zoom in, Cmd + - to zoom out.

  6. How do I star or unstar a file in Google Drive?
    Windows: Ctrl + Alt + S MacOS: Cmd + Alt + S

  7. How do I open the trash folder in Google Drive?
    Windows: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T MacOS: Cmd + Alt + Shift + T

  8. Can I copy and paste files in Google Drive?
    Yes, use Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (paste) for Windows, and Cmd + C (copy) and Cmd + V (paste) for MacOS.

  9. How do I cut a file in Google Drive?
    Windows: Ctrl + X MacOS: Cmd + X


Mastering Google Drive shortcut keys can significantly improve your efficiency when managing files and navigating through your account. Whether you're on a Windows or MacOS device, these shortcuts help streamline tasks and save you time. Be sure to explore the official Google Drive website for further resources and updates on available features and shortcuts.

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