Apple Notes HotKeys

Apple Notes is a versatile and user-friendly note-taking application available on macOS, iOS, and iCloud. It provides seamless synchronization across Apple devices, offering powerful features like rich text formatting, collaboration, and attachments.

Apple Notes macOS Shortcut Keys

Text Editing Shortcuts

Shortcut Key Function
Command+B Bold the selected text
Command+I Italicize the selected text
Command+U Underline the text
Command+Shift+X Strikethrough the selected text
Command+K Add a hyperlink
Command+Option+C Copy the text style
Command+Option+V Paste the text style

Note Management Shortcuts

Shortcut Key Function
Command+N Create a new note
Command+Delete Delete the current note
Command+Shift+D Duplicate the current note
Command+Option+L Lock the current note
Command+Option+T Show or hide the toolbar
Command+Shift+L Add a checklist

Navigation Shortcuts

Shortcut Key Function
Command+F Find text in the current note
Command+G Find the next match
Command+Shift+G Find the previous match
Command+[ Navigate to the previous folder
Command+] Navigate to the next folder
Command+Shift+[ Move to the previous note
Command+Shift+] Move to the next note
Command+1 View all notes
Command+2 View notes in a list
Command+3 View notes in gallery mode

About Apple Notes

Apple Notes is developed by Apple Inc. and is integrated into the Apple ecosystem. It allows users to organize their thoughts, tasks, and important information efficiently. With features like handwriting recognition and note locking, Apple Notes is a preferred choice for many users.

Apple Notes Official Information

Apple Notes Shortcut Keys FAQ

  1. What is the shortcut for creating a new note on macOS?
    Press Command+N to create a new note.

  2. Can I customize shortcut keys in Apple Notes?
    Currently, customization of shortcuts is not directly supported within Apple Notes.

  3. Is there a shortcut for locking a note?
    Yes, on macOS, you can lock a note using Command+Option+L.

  4. How do I find text within a note?
    Use Command+F on macOS or Ctrl+F in iCloud Notes on Windows.

  5. What is the shortcut to switch between notes?
    Press Command+Shift+[ to move to the previous note or Command+Shift+] for the next note.

  6. Is there a shortcut for undoing and redoing actions?
    Yes, Command+Z is used for undo, and Command+Shift+Z for redo on macOS.

  7. Can I add a checklist with a shortcut?
    Yes, press Command+Shift+L to add a checklist.

  8. What shortcut hides the sidebar in Notes?
    Use Command+Option+S to show or hide the sidebar.

  9. How do I access the toolbar with a shortcut?
    Press Command+Option+T to toggle the toolbar.


Mastering Apple Notes shortcut keys can enhance your efficiency and streamline note management. Whether you're a Windows user accessing iCloud or a macOS enthusiast, these shortcuts empower you to stay productive. Explore the official Apple Notes website for more details and updates.

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