PyCharm HotKeys

PyCharm is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) designed for Python programming. To improve productivity and efficiency, mastering PyCharm's shortcut keys is essential.

PyCharm Windows Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Description
Alt + Shift + F Add to favorites
Alt + up / Alt + down Go to previous/next method
Ctrl + F11 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
Ctrl + Shift + Back Last edit location
F11 Toggle bookmark
Shift + F11 Show bookmarks
Ctrl + Alt + left / Ctrl + Alt + right Navigate back/forward
Ctrl + G Go to line/column…
Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [ Go to code block end/start
Ctrl + [0-9] Go to numbered bookmark
Ctrl + E / Ctrl + Shift + E Recently viewed/Recent locations
Alt + F1 Select in…


Shortcut Description
Shift + F6 Rename…
Ctrl + F6 Change signature…
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T Refactor this…
Ctrl + Alt + F / Ctrl + Alt + C Introduce field/constant
F5 + F6 Copy…/Move…
Ctrl + Alt + N Inline…
Ctrl + Alt + M Extract method
Ctrl + Alt + V / Ctrl + Alt + P Introduce variable/parameter
Ctrl + Alt + L Reformat code
Alt + Delete Safe delete…


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Shift + J / Ctrl + enter Join/split line
Ctrl + Alt + T Surround with…
Ctrl + Shift + up / Ctrl + Shift + down Move line up/down
Alt + Insert Generate code
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V Cut/Сopy/Paste
Ctrl + W / Ctrl + Shift + W Extend/shrink selection
Ctrl + S Save all
Ctrl + / Comment with line comment
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy document path
Ctrl + Shift + I Quick definition
Ctrl + Alt + O Optimize imports
Ctrl + space Basic code completion
Ctrl + Shift + space Smart code completion
Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle case
Ctrl + Q + Shift + F1 Quick/external documentation
Shift + enter Start new line
Ctrl + Shift + enter Complete statement
Ctrl + O + Ctrl + I Override/implement members
Ctrl + NumPad+ / Ctrl + Shift + NumPad+ Expand/collapse code block
Ctrl + D Duplicate current line or selection
Alt + enter Show intention actions
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste from clipboard history
Ctrl + P + Alt + Q Parameter information/context info
Ctrl + Alt + space Type name completion
Ctrl + Alt + I Auto-indent lines
Ctrl + Y Delete line at caret


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Alt + B Implementation(s)
Ctrl + F12 Go to file member
Ctrl + Shift + B Type declaration (JavaScript only)
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlight usages in file
Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 Find usages/Find usages in file
Ctrl + B Declaration
Ctrl + U Super method
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N Go to symbol
Ctrl + N + Ctrl + Shift + N Go to class/file
Ctrl + Alt + F7 Show usages


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F8 Toggle temporary line breakpoint
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Edit/view breakpoint
F9 Resume program
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Run context configuration
Shift + F7 Smart step into
F8 + F7 Step over/into
Shift + F8 Step out
Ctrl + F8 Toggle line breakpoint
Alt + F9 / Ctrl + Alt + F9 Run to cursor/Force run to cursor
Alt + F10 Show execution point
Ctrl + Shift + F2 Stop background processes…
Alt + F8 Evaluate expression…
Shift + F10 / F9 Run/debug current configuration
Ctrl + F2 Stop
Alt + Shift + F10 / F9 Run/debug selected configuration


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + K Commit
Ctrl + Alt + Z Revert
Ctrl + T Update project
Ctrl + Shift + K Push…
Alt + Shift + C Recent changes
Alt + Backquote VCS operations popup…
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + down / Ctrl + Alt + Shift + up Next/previous change


Shortcut Description
Alt + [0-9] Open a tool window
Ctrl + Alt + Y Synchronize
Ctrl + Alt + S Settings…
Ctrl + Backquote Quick switch scheme…
Ctrl + Shift + A Find action…


Shortcut Description
F3 + Shift + F3 Next/previous occurence
Ctrl + F3 Find word at caret
Ctrl + Shift + F / Ctrl + Shift + R Find in path/Replace in path
Ctrl + F / Ctrl + R Find/replace
Double + Shift Search everywhere


Shortcut Description
Ctrl + F1 Show error description
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I Run inspection by name…
Ctrl + H / Ctrl + Alt + H Type/call hierarchy
F2 + Shift + F2 Next/previous highlighted error

PyCharm macOS Shortcut Keys


Shortcut Description
Go to editor (from a tool window)
+ Back / + + F12 Hide active/all tool windows
+ + Y Synchronize
+ , Preferences…
+ + F Toggle full screen mode
+ Tab Go to next/previous editor tab
+ Backquote Quick switch scheme…
F12 Jump to last tool window
+ + + Jump to source/navigation bar
+ Y + 0-9 Open a tool window
+ + A Find action…


Shortcut Description
+ + + / + + + Next/previous change
+ + Z Revert
+ K Commit
+ + K Push…
+ + C Recent changes
+ T Update project
+ V VCS operations popup…


Shortcut Description
+ + F Add to favorites
+ F3 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
+ + Last edit location
+ F3 Show bookmarks
+ + ] / + + [ Go to code block end/start
+ [0-9] Go to numbered bookmark
F3 Toggle bookmark
+ E + / + E Recently viewed/
+ L Go to line/column…
+ F1 Select in…
+ [ / + ] Navigate back/forward
+ + + Go to previous/next method


Shortcut Description
F5 + F6 Copy…/Move…
+ + M Extract method
+ + N Inline…
+ T Refactor this…
+ + L Reformat code
+ + C / + + P Introduce constant/parameter
+ F6 Rename…
+ + V / + + F Introduce variable/field
+ F6 Change signature…
+ Safe delete…


Shortcut Description
+ F8 Step out
+ F10 Show execution point
+ F8 Toggle line breakpoint
+ F7 Smart step into
+ + F2 Stop background processes…
+ + R / + + D Run/debug selected configuration
+ + R Run context configuration
F8 + F7 Step over/into
+ R / + D Run/debug current configuration
+ + + F8 Toggle temporary line breakpoint
+ F8 Evaluate expression…
+ + F8 Edit/view breakpoint
+ + R Resume program
+ + F9 Force run to cursor
+ F9 Run to cursor
+ F2 Stop


Shortcut Description
+ F7 + + F7 Find usages/Find usages in file
+ B Declaration
+ + F7 Show usages
+ + F7 Highlight usages in file
+ + B Type declaration (JavaScript only)
+ + B Implementation(s)
+ U Super method


Shortcut Description
+ Quick definition
+ + C Copy document path
+ N Generate code
+ + T Surround with…
+ + A Find any action inside the IDE
+ + Q Context info
+ O + + I Override/implement members
+ S Save all
+ + + / + + - Expand/collapse all
+ + + + - Expand/collapse code block
+ + U Toggle case
+ + / + + Move line up/down
+ + + Extend/shrink selection
+ Start new line
+ + Complete statement
+ + J + + Join/split line
F1 + + F1 Quick/external documentation
+ + V Paste from clipboard history
+ D Duplicate current line or selection
+ X / + C / + V Cut/Copy/Paste
+ Delete line at caret
+ P Parameter information
+ + I Auto-indent lines
+ / Comment with line comment
+ Show intention actions
+ + Type name completion
+ + O Optimize imports
+ / + + Basic/smart code completion


Shortcut Description
+ + + I Run inspection by name…
F2 + + F2 Next/previous highlighted error
+ H / + + H Type/call hierarchy
+ F1 Show error description


Shortcut Description
Double + Search everywhere
+ G + / + G Next/previous occurence
+ + O / + + O Go to file/symbol
+ + F / + + R Find in path/Replace in path
+ F / + R Find/Replace
+ F12 Go to file member
+ O Go to class

About PyCharm

PyCharm, developed by JetBrains, is a leading Python IDE equipped with tools for professional development. It supports various Python frameworks and has advanced features like intelligent code assistance, debugging, and testing.

PyCharm Official Information

PyCharm Shortcut Keys FAQs

  1. What is the shortcut for reformatting code?
    Windows: Ctrl + Alt + L macOS: Cmd + Alt + L

  2. How can I quickly navigate to a file?
    Windows: Ctrl + Shift + N macOS: Cmd + Shift + O

  3. What is the shortcut for debugging?
    Windows: Shift + F9 macOS: Ctrl + D

  4. How do I view recent files?
    Windows: Ctrl + E macOS: Cmd + E

  5. What is the shortcut to duplicate a line?
    Windows: Ctrl + D macOS: Cmd + D

  6. How do I run a program?
    Windows: Shift + F10 macOS: Ctrl + R

  7. What is the shortcut to step into a function during debugging?
    Windows: F7 macOS: Cmd + Alt + I

  8. How can I navigate backward?
    Windows: Ctrl + Alt + Left macOS: Cmd + [

  9. What is the shortcut for smart code completion?
    Windows: Ctrl + Shift + Space macOS: Cmd + Shift + Space


Mastering PyCharm's shortcut keys can significantly enhance your productivity as a Python developer. With this comprehensive guide, you now have all the essential shortcuts at your fingertips. Explore and practice these shortcuts to streamline your workflow in PyCharm!

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